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Shave&Save commitment for more Luxury.

Hi everyone,

I’ve been thinking last night and I’m sure you’ve already read that a thousand times, but I won’t try and coax you into using the cheapest stuff available, nor praise the savings we are supposed to make with DE blades (you know, eventually:lol:…)
Please consider this thread rather as a personal diary that I would keep public for the record and inspiration.

My point is I figured I (may I dare WE?) go nuts real fast when it comes to shaving expenses. I may only be into this since July’08, I already spent WAY MORE on shaving stuff than I did when only using goo and M3cartridges (OK, OK, I know my razors will overlast me and soaps last MUCH longer than a goo can, still…). What I also know is that, now that I have discovered the wonderful world of creams and splashes, the luxuriant feeling of a silvertip brush, I WANT TO SPEND MORE!!:tongue_sm:biggrin1:

But I need to keep my feet on the ground in those troubled times, for the crisis is striking hard over here as well and while I love my every morning luxurious experience, I believe any luxury comes as a gift and requires an effort. I find it even more rewarding that way.

So here’s the deal: each time I will use a combination of the sub mentioned products, I will spare a 50-eurocent coin in the Shave&Save Chest. Thus, when my ADs just beat me up stronger than ever and unravel, I can just serenely surrender and use that treasure to ease the pain. You know, sometimes you just have to do what you’ve got to do, right?:blush:
Of course, those €uros will be best spent on Luxury products, that’s what makes it fun…:001_smile

The point is I really save if I use cheap and easily available stuff, such as:

-Soaps: Wilkinson Blue Bowl, Monsavon (bol à raser), Palmolive Stick, DVH.
-Cream: Palmolive Euro Classic.
-AS: Aqua Velva, Mennen Skin Bracer, NIVEA Sensitive balm.
-Blades: chain store repacked IP, Wilkinson Economie.

Kudos for using my cheap NoName mock ivory badger brush, but no real bonus.
No bonus either when finishing up a product, OK, what we want here is to save, so use them sparingly right?
Once again, it has to be a strict and complete combination, meaning: Palmolive + IP + Speick AS = you loose!!

Of course you could always argue there may be even cheaper stuff when buying a 5-bunch through the Internet or whatever; yet, THESE are the sole and only ones I can/want to commit to. Comments are welcome, but please respect this choice.

Off we go; I just started this morning with my SOTD.
Of course this thread is here to keep track and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading and your support.:chinese:


The S&S Chest is now: 50cents (€uros):biggrin:
I subscribe to the "life's too short too drink bad beer or use less than excellent shaving supplies" theory.

Actually, I think it's reasonably economical to use mid to top shelf items if you only buy 1-2 year supply at a time (meaning no hoarding). Of course, most of us (myself included) want to try lots of stuff, so the cost does escalate.
At the end of the day if you work out how much it costs per use, Pens BB is as cheap as the cheapest soap. The issue is the starting price. I just paid plenty $$ to get a puck of Pens BB shipped to OZ but it will last two years IF I use it every day.

So why go cheap ?

You could save 0.001c per shave and miss out on some amazing products.

My 0.002 :biggrin:

At the end of the day if you work out how much it costs per use, Pens BB is as cheap as the cheapest soap. The issue is the starting price. I just paid plenty $$ to get a puck of Pens BB shipped to OZ but it will last two years IF I use it every day.

So why go cheap ?

You could save 0.001c per shave and miss out on some amazing products.

My 0.002 :biggrin:

Funny you should mention it. Just had my first BB soap shave today. Nice stuff!
I subscribe to the "life's too short too drink bad beer or use less than excellent shaving supplies" theory.

As well here, especially when it comes to beer, or better, fine spirits.:biggrin1:

Anyhow, I believe some cheap stuff also account for great shaving products.
For instance, I get very good shaves (pleasurable/satisfying ones) from the Palmolive cream paired with Aqua Velva and/or NIVEA Balm. As do many of us here for sure.
The IP has long earned its classic status and stands for an outstanding value, right?
Ever tried that Monsavon or Palmolive stick topped-off with a splash of skin bracer?? Of course it is not as refined as Penhaligon's or Castle Forbes (although the Monsavon doesn't lack subtility to me, you just need a better AS to get the whole experience:blush:...), but you just can't say it is BAD or provides with MISERABLE shaves.

See, that whole thing is more of a game to me, some kind of endeavor. As if I needed excuses to shell out that extra money on top-end products. In the end, the most I will get out of it is just fun.:001_smile

So why go cheap ?

You could save 0.001c per shave and miss out on some amazing products.

My 0.002 :biggrin:


As stated up there, it's not about missing out, I NEVER said (or even could) I would stick just to these products until blah blah blah... NO WAY! It's just about having this kind of cheap shave once in a while and reward me with a nice order some time later; so what if all I can get is just a tube of Speick cream or a bottle of Proraso splash!? At least I would have tried and that's the fun in the game. Glad if I reach D.R HARRIS / Trumpers / ROONEY though... :wink: *sigh*

Now Gentlemen, I'd like to thank you both for your comments/reactions.
As you would guess, any 2 cents will always be welcome in the S&S Chest!!:w00t::lol::lol:


The S&S Chest is now: 50cents (€uros):biggrin:
I would just say to use and buy exactly what you like...if that be expensive luxury product then so be it...if you like the inexpensive common product just as well. After enough time your preferences will take control and you will develop and maintain a nice collection of products you really enjoy whether they be expensive or just good values. But beware - it is so easy to get carried away - we have so many products to choose from.

I keep a "shaving jar" - every time I end up with a pile of loose change I drop it in the jar, I consider it "free money" and my better half allows me to spend this indiscriminately on what ever shaving product I desire with no guilt.
I keep a "shaving jar" - every time I end up with a pile of loose change I drop it in the jar, I consider it "free money" and my better half allows me to spend this indiscriminately on what ever shaving product I desire with no guilt.

See...?? Now you get the spirit!! This is the kind of mood I'm in with this stuff.:001_smile
Except I am two halves on my own so maybe it s just what I need to allow me that kind of expenses.:lol::lol:

Dedication + restraint. I like it!

Well, thank you sir!! I'll do my best and then.....we'll see!!:lol:


The S&S Chest is now: 50cents (€uros):biggrin:
my change currently goes in the "wedding jar". which is really an old stop & shop store brand pasta sauce jar. so far in the last 6 or so months i've filled it twice and the wedding fund is up $100. not bad for picking up change around campus.
Well, the way I look at it is that my purchasing has slowed done drastically since my early days of DE shaving. The only things I have bought in the last 12 months are blades (Swedish Gillettes), a Gillette NEW (to try out) and the Irish Moos stick group buy. I may have re-ordered a soap from Em's Place in there too, but that was for my wife. I have oodles of soaps and creams that I am working my way through and don't feel a real need to buy more stuff. So in a sense I spent the cash up front and have spent very little since then, so the saving will work out eventually.
All right, time to save up!!

Look what we've got today:

Monsavon + repacked IPs + NIVEA Balm = winner

This cheapo shave is a keeper, and no discomfort here, all you get is a smooth blade going through tallow based lather and then a moisturizing balm to finish it off. Yeah, this one is worth every 50Cents I'll save out of it!!:smile:


The S&S Chest is now: 1 €uro :biggrin:
Another one for me today:

Palmolive SC + IPs + Skin Bracer = 50 Cents more!!:wink:
This was just about having the job done.
Plus, I need my treasure to grow faster as I literally dream of shaving gear :redface:...


The S&S Chest is now: 1.5 €uro :biggrin:
Just diggin'out that old toppic of mine for the record.:biggrin:

I may have had Internet access problems, I still kept track of my using cheap, NO!, affordable, easily available and efficient products. Well, call them value!:wink:

See, while I was struggling to get a new computer and an Internet access, there have been 9 S&S shaves. Some just got the job done, others overdelivered. Think of the Palmolive stick followed-up with a splash of Skin Bracer...:w00t:

Looking at it, I realize there is still a long way to go until I can afford something serious: the chest is now 6€ and I won't get pretty far with that!!:tongue_sm:lol:
On the other hand, there was not much of that endeavor I referred to earlier (come on, you'll be glad you did it...!!), because of the rather hot summer we've had here, implying MASSIVE usage of AV and Skin Bracer. This is also a time when you're off on week-ends or holidays so the Palmo stick was pretty handy.

All in all, I'm glad and the experince continues. But I don't see these 50€ coming soon...:001_rolle


The S&S Chest is now: 6 €uros :biggrin:
+1 That and you can't take your money with you when your time is up.

Sure; I could not agree more. See, this is not about greed here, besides, I also already own quite a few luxurious products.
For instance, this morning ASB was Pen's BB.

Even if you'd consider it "wasting" a shave, 9 shaves over a little more than 2-month period means less than 1 cheapo shave per week. Once agin, this is not mandatory and did not follow such pattern. The hottest week may have seen 3 S&S shaves because of the Velva I guess whereas some other week was just about Arlington and exotics...
This is just like these (and count me in there!:lol: ) who love to treat themselves with something special on Sundays...

My fun.
Thanks for reacting!:smile:

Sure; I could not agree more. See, this is not about greed here, besides, I also already own quite a few luxurious products.
For instance, this morning ASB was Pen's BB.

Even if you'd consider it "wasting" a shave, 9 shaves over a little more than 2-month period means less than 1 cheapo shave per week. Once agin, this is not mandatory and did not follow such pattern. The hottest week may have seen 3 S&S shaves because of the Velva I guess whereas some other week was just about Arlington and exotics...
This is just like these (and count me in there!:lol: ) who love to treat themselves with something special on Sundays...

My fun.
Thanks for reacting!:smile:


Well, well, well, Gents!!

I realized this morning, and only after I had chosen my gear, that my SOTD qualified for the Chest...

Now THAT is good news, huh!??:001_rolle


The S&S Chest is now: 6.5 €uros :biggrin:
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