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Shave No. 1.5!

So I don't know if anyone remembers my first attempt at straight shaving, but I just received my razor back from Leighton, who did a wonderful job with it.

The razor was probably shave-ready enough before, and the trouble was due in large part to my incompetence, but Leighton was able to smooth it out for me.

So I figured I'd give it another go. I'm off work every other Friday (gotta love government jobs!) I'm not going to call this shave 2 because the first one was so disastrous I'm not even going to call it shave 1, more like shave .5. So this one is shave 1.5.

I stopped the razor about 30 x on the canvas and 30x on the leather. I lathered up some Cella and went for it.

Right away I had much better success--no jumping around. The razor mowed down the stubble and I was able to complete 2 passes--WTG and ATG. Actually I had to switch up some of the motions I was used to with DE because the angle was too awkward.

Only 1 or 2 nicks on the chin due to me getting a little wild--not bad at all. for a 2 pass shave it was very good. Supposed to go to a Christmas party tonight so I cleaned up with my Futur, but only had to do 1 ATG pass (and some touch-up).

I'm very encouraged and looling forward to the Official 2nd shave.

thanks for all the help from the "first" shave!
So I don't know if anyone remembers my first attempt at straight shaving, but I just received my razor back from Leighton, who did a wonderful job with it.

The razor was probably shave-ready enough before, and the trouble was due in large part to my incompetence, but Leighton was able to smooth it out for me.

So I figured I'd give it another go. I'm off work every other Friday (gotta love government jobs!) I'm not going to call this shave 2 because the first one was so disastrous I'm not even going to call it shave 1, more like shave .5. So this one is shave 1.5.

I stopped the razor about 30 x on the canvas and 30x on the leather. I lathered up some Cella and went for it.

Right away I had much better success--no jumping around. The razor mowed down the stubble and I was able to complete 2 passes--WTG and ATG. Actually I had to switch up some of the motions I was used to with DE because the angle was too awkward.

Only 1 or 2 nicks on the chin due to me getting a little wild--not bad at all. for a 2 pass shave it was very good. Supposed to go to a Christmas party tonight so I cleaned up with my Futur, but only had to do 1 ATG pass (and some touch-up).

I'm very encouraged and looling forward to the Official 2nd shave.

thanks for all the help from the "first" shave!


Since you have already classified shave # 1 as shave #1/2, you will never have a shave #2. You will go directly to shave #2.5.....

Tough break, kid!:tongue_sm
Unless you just do half a shave, then you can have your 2nd and get back on track! Now what would qualify as a half a shave other then a complete disaster... maybe one quick pass with stubble left over?
Awesome! Glad you were able to start your journey off with the right shave!

We could just call it shave #2 with the "new" razor, and go from there..... :tongue_sm

Or you can round up and go to shave #3. But consistency dictates that you do some touch ups like Scissors and call it half a shave to get back on track to whole numbers. :lol:
... I just received my razor back from Leighton, who did a wonderful job with it.
I stopped the razor about 30 x on the canvas and 30x on the leather.

Congrats on the much better shave!

Uhm, Leighton, didn't you instruct him NOT to strop before first use? Just askin'...
Shave one side of the face... doh! :lol:

Personally, I would be very content to go on counting at (n+0.5) shaves. If quantum raising/lowring operators can do it, so can you, 's what I always say. :lol::lol:
Congrats on the much better shave!

Uhm, Leighton, didn't you instruct him NOT to strop before first use? Just askin'...

I'm not good at following directions! :smile:

I stopped this time because last time I didn't, with poor results. I was very happy with the turnout.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Nice work! You might need to do more than 30 laps on the strop but if it feels good to you then it should be fine!
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