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Shave marathon

Well this am's shave lasted 1 hr and 23 minutes. I did my 2 passes on neck and 3 passes on my face. I used the Gil slim adj with Gil yellow 7 o' clocks. I did 1st and 2nd pass on 3 and then 6 for the atg pass. The bulk of the shave was the touch up pass. I had to do blade buffing on lower lip to chin area and cheeks going into this area. Of course I also blade buffed parts of my neck.

I enjoy shaving, but come on folks 1 hr 23 minutes! Part of the time was cleaning up so swombo would be happy. I was glad that I did not get any irritation. Maybe part of my problem is that I am real cautious since I have a stiff, thick beard and sensitive skin. Still using cold water and scrubbing my face beforehand.


Needs milk and a bidet!
1 hour and 23 minutes? That is a marathon for sure.

hmmmm are you including a shower in this time frame?

my longest shave was around 45-50 minutes maybe. and that was when I was first starting out and taking my sweet ole' time.

I have it down (by no mean trying to rush) to around 15-25 minutes, depending on if I use canned creme or not.
Yes I did shower before. Usually, I shave at night since it takes me so long. I am starting to wonder if it is worth all of this time. I have a Panasonic wet shaver that I use and it only takes 12 minutes to shave. I do not nearly the quality shave and I have 5 o' clock shadow by 11 am.
It takes some practice to get your technique right. If all those passes irritate your skin, you might want to just do a couple of with the grain passes and gradually improve your technique with time.
Wow. I enjoy shaving but I'm sure it would become a chore again if it took that long! Takes me 30 mins maximum, that's including a shower, 2 pass shave with touch up and clean the counter and razor etc.

Good prep and using less pressure is probably more important than slow shaving if you have sensitive skin.
Um yeah, that's a really long time. I can't imagine standing at the sink for that length of time. My wife would kill me, or think I was dead had I been in the bathroom that long.
Don't worry about how long it takes you now, just make sure you're doing everything to the best of your abilities. Keep note of what works well for you and what you think you may need work on.

I was in the same boat you were. It took me a good hour and change to shave, and my face wasn't too thrilled with me for the effort.

Soon enough you'll notice that you just had a superb, leisurely shave over the lengthy span of 12 minutes.

Look at it this way: Yes, it's taking you quite awhile to shave now. However, I envy you in that you get to use your razor more in one day than I get to use mine in over a week!

Keep at it, and have fun with it!
Not including my shower, I take 12-15 minutes for three and a half passes. That's from taking the gear out of the drawer to putting it back with the vanity all cleaned up. It will get faster.

Three passes take me a bit less than 15 minutes, not counting the shower before ... so it sounds there is some room for optimization here :wink2:

Why don't you leave out the 3rd pass and touch ups for a while, and focus on a two-pass comfortable shave, instead of on precision? Hardly anyone notices a slight stubble anyway.


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83 minutes, are you shaving your entire body? :001_wub:

Shave, shower, cleanup, pre and post, I'm in and out in under 30 for a 3 pass shave.
3 to 5 minute shower, 7 to 10 minute 3 pass shave (including making the lather), 1 to 2 minute cleanup, done. I can't imagine over an hour in the bathroom.
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