I'm looking to buy a Shave Mac knot (24mm Silver Tip). What can I expect, I don't want anything prickly. I face lather just about exclusively, would i be as well served with a finest badger or should I consider a D01? Thanks.
If softness is the No. 1 concern then I would choose regular silvertip "off the shelf" (i.e. with Bernd's standard loft). D01 is pretty dense and can feel a bit stiff due to that. An alternative to shavemac is also Thaeter, probably the softest silvertip hair out there (see many related threads).
I actually used to have a shavemac but recently sold if off. But IMO the best bang for your buck silvertip is a Kimson Vu. You get a genuine horn handle with a densely packed knot that is soft. Granted it does take a while for it to arrive but you wont be disappointed. I got mine frometsy and also requested for a shorter loft.
Shavemac Silvertip grade is cloud soft. I haven't owned D01, but I've found his standard density to be quite adequate, and would leave D01 to those to crave abnormally high density brushes, assuming you order the right loft for your knot size and preferences.
As for Kimson, I've never heard anything bad about them, but take note that natural buffalo horn requires care to maintain its appearane and integrity.
The softest Silvertip 3-Band brush I have ever tested - and reason I still own it - is the Mühle Sophist Silvertip 3-Band 23 mm brush.
It has beautiful looks combined with the softest tips and velvet silky smooth feel to it - only downside is that this comes at a price, little backbone, but I still face lather exclusively and I sold off my Kent BLK8, which is velvet soft too, and kept my Muhle Sophist Silvertip - go figure out why for yourself
All my other brushes are now 2-Band Silvertip/Super Badger because I like their backbone and scritchy feel, but when I want to go Super Silky Smooth Velvet soft - I use my Mühle Sophist Silvertip 3-Bander......