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Sharpest SE blade?

Generally speaking, the "Ted Pellas" PTFE coated are recognized as the best available. Electron Microscopy Supplies carry the same blade in a smaller batch. (EMS, you must but 100 at a time. Pella requires 200 min.)

As in all things shaving, YMMV.
Gem brand SE blades are sold in the shaving section of Walgreens. A 10 pack is a bit over $5. They may not be the sharpest or the best, but I have gotten some great shaves with them, used in my 1912 head Gem.
I believe the sharpest SE blade is the Treet carbon steel available at Rite Aid and various grocery stores and independent drugstores. I have no way to validate this claim other than how the different bades feel when I use them, and I've used the Gem's from Walgreens and Ted Pella, as well as CVS and Gem Blue Stars.

Due to availability, the only blades I have used in my SEs are the GEM PTFE Coated stainless.

Luckily for me, they shaved superbly; so well in fact I haven't bothered trying to find and try other SE blade brands !

Have fun !

Best regards

With SE blades there is a bit of a trade off. The popular stainless steel versions, are slightly less sharp in my opinion, but are maintenance free. You can probably expect approx. 4 - 8 shaves from a blade.

The non stainless models, like the Treet carbon steel blades are sharper. But require some maintenance to keep them sharp, as they are prone to rust.

I like using the Stainless Steel version and find them plenty sharp to get the job done but others prefer the carbon steel blades. So as always with this hobby "Your Mileage My Vary".

I have used the GEM stainless and the CVS brand ASR high carbon blades.

Both worked fine for me. I don't think there is quite as much difference in the SE blades as there is in the DE blades. At any rate, if you have the major drugstores in your area(CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid) you should be able to find at least 2 types of blades, and chances are at least 1 of those will work for you.

It may be just a tad more expensive that way, but you don't have to pay for shipping and you don't have to wait. I think just to try it out that would be the way to go, then if you decide to keep using the SEs you can always buy a bulk pack later.
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