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Shapton Slip Stones

Has anyone checked out the new Shapton Slip Stone series? They are smaller & more portable. The Slip Stones are 2" x 3" 1k, 2k, 5k, 8k, 15k, & 30k what do you guys think about these as St8 hones?
Im only finding them at Jende and except the 0.6" wide one, they seem to be the same price as the full sized hone. Why would you pay the same price for less stone?

edit: ahah I see, they're the "Pro" series, which is $600, not the Glassstone which is $300, so they're basically half price. Yeah... I'll pass.
To confirm, these are the Professional Series Shaptons.

The 1x6 are the most suitable for straights, IMO. The narrow 0.6" width could be used, but they require a steady hand. The 2x3 is large enough for razors - coticule guys have used much less. If you have a Japanese razor, the 2x3 would be more ideal. We also do custom sizes.

The Glass stones are too much trouble to cut up at the moment, and unless you have steels that are RC 63+, the pros will be just fine, only a little slower. I personally like using the pros for my razors, as I've said elsewhere because it suits my style of honing better. That in no way diminishes the results off the glass stones, though.
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