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SEVENTH ANNUAL "One Blade in February" Challenge - 2016 Edition

Feb 28 - Shave 16 FINAL

Voskhod (16)
Shave Rev EVO 24mm
Soap Commander Passion
Aqua Velva

Final shave of the month. The Voskhod is no longer cutting it. :001_rolle
It started dying off somewhere between 8 and 10 shaves. I used the R41 most of the month, using steep angle. It's forgiving nature never went away, and even with tugging and skipping ATG, no nicks and no irritation. The results were not as good though, with the chin being the most difficult and noticeable area.
If I shaved everyday, there is no way I would have made it the entire month. This is a 2 week blade for me (8 shaves) although in a pinch it could go longer with less enjoyment and worse results.
Has been fun - I look forward to a new blade on Tues! :001_smile

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29 February
Shave 29

Schick Platinum. ATT H2. The vintage Schick blade made in Netherlands crossed the finish line with flying colors.

Here is my end-of-the month question: Does a blade lose its edge quickly, like a TV show that has run its course, or does it fade slowly, like a fine wine (or a beautiful woman!)?
29 February
Shave 29

Schick Platinum. ATT H2. The vintage Schick blade made in Netherlands crossed the finish line with flying colors.

Here is my end-of-the month question: Does a blade lose its edge quickly, like a TV show that has run its course, or does it fade slowly, like a fine wine (or a beautiful woman!)?
The answer is, without any doubt:


Shavecraft Tech
AstraSP (29)
Soap for Hope
Terre D'Hermes

This has been a fun month. The AstraSP is still holding up, I will keep this one in active rotation for a while...
Last shave....

Gillette Old Type
Gillette 7 O'clock Black (shave ~20... I stopped counting :p)
Vie Long Long Randal
Stirling Vetiver Witch Hazel
Stirling Executive Man Post Shave Balm

It was a fun challenge. The blade isn't as smooth anymore but that could be the Gillette Old Type being a little demanding on the blade. I look forward going back to my rotation of blades. Definitely will keep using blades around the 10-20 shave mark though.
Zorrik Super Stainless (27)
Zorrik Super Stainless (28)
Zorrik Super Stainless (29)

And that's a wrap! I usually go to 40+, but this blade is actually getting pretty poor at 29. I'll give it a couple more, but probably will hang it up in a couple of days.
Shave #29 for Feb

OLD/Wilkinson Sword (33)

I will continue to use this blade, I don't understand the need to ditch one that is giving perfect shaves.

I wish all the "one and done" guys would give their blades a chance, the first shave is almost never the best.

Hope to see more folks in the
Excalibur club! :thumbup1:
E2 Fatboy on 3
(for FB Feb)
Gillette Nacet (28)
Omega 10066
Petal Pushers Black Tea
Witch hazel w/lime added
Lucky Tiger
Stirling Lime ASB
Fine L'Orange Noir AS

So...I missed a day, but I'm fine with that. This morning, I told SWMBO that I had managed to get 28 great shaves out of the Nacet and she was both shocked and impressed. In truth, so am I.

In the past, I've been super-stoked to get 14 days from a blade, and I doubled that total, and probably could continue with this blade for a while longer. I hadn't used a Nacet before and I found that while the first two shaves were a bit dangerous - smooth, but with a couple nicks - the blade settled in very nicely. I've really enjoyed the process.

And now, after this much time, I'm finding that I can (or have to?) use some pressure to get things to DFS. That tells me the blade is about done and I don't want to get in that habit. I'm going to switch the blade to one of my favorites and use that to test a number of soap samples.

I'll see you guys next February!

I also finished the month with a great shave. Using the Fasan and a new Personna Lab blade. I wish the P74 had lasted. But, there is no good reason to keep on with a blade which is near the end.

What I learned two years ago is the Med Preps and Lab Blues go 12-14 shaves, so I change it out every 7, on Mondays. Easy to keep track of and never a poor shave.

What I learned last year was a Personna 74 was most decidedly a blade to only change out once a month - at the very least. What I found out this year is that a P74 goes a month-and-a-half for me. Too bad they are no longer made.

Whatever will I do next February?? Well, I have 11 months to figure that out! :)

Day 29, Shave 11

Astra SP + ATT R1
B&B 10th Anni Omega Boar
Proraso Pre/post Green
KMF Cool Mint + Irish Spring "Moisturizing" bath soap ;)

No shave this weekend, but today's the last shave for me. I could probably do some more on this blade, but I don't like pushing things farther than I have to, been itching to try an SE blade I have again, and I have 99 more of these blades so I'm not worried about running out soon.

Decided to try some Irish Spring soap with the KMF today. I've been wanting to try it since I read about using Ivory, but never got around to it. Figured I'd mix it with KMF since it's a worn blade and I didn't want to take any chances with something new. Turned out pretty well (though I couldn't really smell it over the KMF), at least as well as Conk + KMF. I'll have to try it alone when I don't have to worry about how my face looks. :lol:
Finished up number 22 today on the Gillette Yellow / Shavecraft Tech combo. It's still going strong but I'm looking forward to trying some other blades in the Tech.
Day 29 head shave 27
E-1 Fatboy wide open Gillette Silver Blue (27)
Omega S
VDH Deluxe
WSP Tobacco beard oil
Avon Spicy

This has been a very interesting and enlightening month. I used to always toss my blades after 3-4 head shaves, I recently switched to GSBs and noticed how good they still felt on the forth shave and pushed my last 2 to 12 and 14 or 15 I lost count. After I signed up for Fatboy February I thought I would give this a try too. My blade is getting near the end, but I think I can get it to at least 30 maybe more and do plan to see it to the end. I also feel the need to see how far some of my other blades go.
Day 29, shave 21 - head and throat.

Fatboy set at 6, Personna 74 and La Toja Stick (grated into a bowl).

Great shave for the last day of the month. I never fail to get an amazing slick and cushiony lather from La Toja - and the smell! The shave should have been a challenge for the blade - 4 days growth and no prep other than a rub of the face and head with cold tap water. The Fatboy and the P74 sailed through the stubble like a warm knife through room temperature butter.

The P74 has many more shaves left on it, 21 isn't even getting it warmed up yet. I'm definitely going to try for excalibur status with this blade. Should be a fun adventure.
Shave 29 with the 7 O'Clock Yellow. NEW Short Comb. Got a great shave today, well into the DFS range, at the cost of some irritation.

I'm thinking that I'm doing a lot of extra shaving to get close, compensating for the blade. In any case its been a lot of fun to get through the month with this blade. It really helps to pay attention to technique. Shallow angle, well hydrated lather, varying the pass angle etc. all help to get a better shave. I used to change a blade after 5-7 days just because it might be getting dull. Tomorrow I'll put in a new blade, after 29 shaves, just because it might be getting dull. Tomorrow is a fresh start for me for other reasons and a fresh blade just seems appropriate.
Shave 39 on the Bolzano, in the old type, with Valobra stick. Still an excellent shave.

I'm tempted to carry on with it, and satisfied with what it has done.

Next up for me is a Vijay, which was kindly piffed to me (100 of them) by another member. Time to give that a whirl and report my impressions.
This February one month a blade Gem ptfe single edge blade has been carefully marked and recorded so it won`t get mixed up with my other used se blades. I might either continue with this blade for next year or throw in a week or two worth of shaves to this blade through out the year to really see how far it will go? I usually like using a new blade just because it`s a new month and easier to keep track of it all. What I normally do is use my used se blades as practice so I won`t get rusty in taking apart a gem se blade in record time for my Valet se razors. I can despine a Gem blade now blind folded and snap the edges off a bit in order to fit it in these Valet razors. If only February had 31 days just for a few more official days of shaves ;)
Participant No 14 checking out.

This has been a great learning experience for me. I had to invoke Rule 1 and use a second blade, but my technique is slowly improving. With continued practice I expect to breeze through February 2017 on one blade easily.

Many thanks to [MENTION=22264]goby[/MENTION] for starting the thread, and to all the participants whose posts I've enjoyed reading, :thumbup:
A big thanks to [MENTION=22264]goby[/MENTION] for hosting the challenge again this year and to all of the participants. I see a lot of folks improving their technique and surprising themselves with the outcomes. Good stuff. If nothing else, we'll all be well prepared for the Shavepocalypse with current blade stock! If any care to take these concepts further through the year, come on over to the Excalibur thread.
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