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Sellers requiring linked PayPal ?

I've been on the Bay since 90's with 100% positive feedback as a buyer and seller. In the last 24 hours I've had two bids blocked because the seller required a linked PayPal. For security reasons I'm not going to do it :angry: Their loss. Your thoughts?
I wouldn't do it, either, but I buy very little off the 'Bay. If you're a frequent purchaser, it might be just the sign of the times.
I would not do it either. I do buy off of ebay and, like you, have a good record. If that is not good enough for a seller than so be it. There are plenty of other people selling similar items and whatever you are looking for will come up again eventually. Trust is a two way street. If a seller shows me they do not have trust in their buyers, I do not have trust in the seller and what they are trying to unload. I am old fashioned enough to still trust someone until they give me a reason not to do so.
Never heard of "linked" PayPal, but I have heard of "verified" PayPal, which generally assures that the person using PayPal is the authorized user.

If they meant linking your eBay and PayPal accounts together, I can't see why this would be a concern of the seller.

It is possible that they are just trying to limit their exposure to possible fraud.

Linking one's bank account to the PayPal account is what I think is meant...... Funds not in the PP account are pulled from a bank account and not from a credit card.


Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
The seller's loss. If they don't want your business, so be it. But you ought to message the seller, just let him know you were ready to buy and he refused you, by arbitrarily requiring you to jump through extra hoops that you have reason not to jump through. Anyway, it will give you satisfaction, and closure.

the Dr. Phil of B&B
I've been on the Bay since 90's with 100% positive feedback as a buyer and seller. In the last 24 hours I've had two bids blocked because the seller required a linked PayPal. For security reasons I'm not going to do it :angry: Their loss. Your thoughts?

eBay pretty much calls the shots: (They own PayPal)

It appears that eBay will have the blocks set up for the "collectibles" category for anyone without a PayPal account (e.g., vintage razor )

Be sure that you have "eBay and PayPal" linked. e.g., same email address for both. If you changed an email recently in one but not the other, they won't be linked. Its kind of like algebra...for eBay and PayPal...whatever you do to one side you must do to the other ....YKWIM
Looks like the seller can set a buyer requirement that the buyer must have their eBay and PayPal accounts linked, though I have never seen it as an option when I set up an auction.

Doesn't seem like something I would block a bidder over, though I have also never been scammed as a buyer or seller. If I had, I might change my mind.
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Makes no sense. The buyer can have everything linked and only a dollar to their name. Link means that eBay grabs the money from PayPal. I know they are the same company but I want control of when money gets sucked out of my account.
Makes no sense. The buyer can have everything linked and only a dollar to their name. Link means that eBay grabs the money from PayPal. I know they are the same company but I want control of when money gets sucked out of my account.

The buyer still has control of the when and the where.
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