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Segal One Piece OC razor info?

I finally got to the fourth and final Box O'Razors I've blindly collected over the years and came across this....Any info out there?????
I have one of those. It uses proprietary blades. I tried honing and stropping some n.o.s. blades but the results were far from spectacular.:sad: Shame really,because they are a nice solid open comb.
If I'm really bored one day, maybe I will 'oval' out a blade and give it a try!:wink2: Any idea when these things were made??
The razor was made by the Segal Safety Razor Corp. of New York, NY. The first patent was filed on Oct. 10, 1928. The trademark was first used on Apr. 7, 1930. I've not been able to determine how long these razors were made.

I have three Segals, all are a little different, one from another, but they all have the same unique method for loading the propriatary blade. The knurling on the handles are different and two are gold plated and one appears to be chrome plated. I do have some, apparently unused, blades but I haven't really tried to shave with them, since I know that even if I do like it, I won't be able to find a further source of blades.

It is kind of a shame that these razors can't use modern blades because they seem to be really well built razors. There is a picture of one in the L-W price guide on page 6.

Very solid, well made razor, too. Tried getting mine apart, just to see if I could. Couldn't. Gillettes come apart much easier than these.
Yep...built like a tank...and weighs about as much...I may have to make a blade or two and try it out!:001_smile
I ground the center body in hopes of fitting normal DE blades but the large cutout is still needed to clear when loading the blade over the top cap....during the surgery, other problems crept in(broken comb teeth:cursing:). Have now moved on to a Penn SE razor and am pondering blade mods for it:001_unsur
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