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SE for head shaving?

I have to admit to an embarrassing truth. I use cartridges to shave my head. I did try a DE razor but saw no easy way to keep a consistent angle. Does any use a SE razor for head shaving? What kind? Isn’t there a GEM model that is designed to “glide” along the skin and therefore keep a consistent blade angle?
(Discalimer - never actually head shaved, still.....)
I read here of many head shavers using carts - no need for embarassment.
I think you're thinking of a GEM Micromatic, where the flat of the head is supposed to stay flat against the skin. In reality it needs to be a little off of flat and even then you still have to keep changing angle for the contours of your face/head.

When (not if, when) I start to shave off the hair I have left I'll be looking at injectors. All the benefits of a cart (easy, intuitve, maneuverable) with none of the drawbacks (cost, multi blades, ingrowns etc)
I have used a couple of different SE razors for headshaving, my favourite being a g-bar. I'm not a huge fan of SE's for faceshaving but on the dome they are excellent! finding the angle is easy and I rarely if ever nick myself. they are great for reaching back to do the rear neck shave also.
I have used this one and it works well, very mild but gets the job done, I'll use it on my face too (feels like cheating). It is a Schick J1.

$2013-01-26 07.52.32.jpg
I use a GEM Open Comb Micromatic
The correct shaving angle falls into place nicely and because it's extremely efficient a light touch is all you need.
This is a somewhat aggressive razor so be careful

Other than that most Injectors work well

Also have nothing against Atra carts on a headblade

All of the above work well
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