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SE blades question

I got a couple Gems in a lot and would like to compare SE shaving to injectors and DE razors. I bought some store brand SE blades ("Top Care") but they tug badly enough that I had to switch to another razor. Also, it turns out they rust. Quickly.

My question is: I know there aren't many SE blade manufacturers right now, but what are some good ones? Where do you get yours?

Thanks for any help.
get thee to a Walgreens and get the Gem Stainless... also Ted Pella and watch for the group buys....one just passed you by a few weeks back
Rite Aid drugstores carry Treet brand SE blades, and some store carry PAL and GEM Blue Stars. They all work pretty good, especially the Treet's, but thay are carbon steel and tend to corrode quickly unless they're dried thoroughly after each use. As Brian said try to find the Walgreen GEM's, but if you can't the others will work.
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