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SE blade longevity

Ted Pellas and Walgreen Personna blades are coated stainless and last me 5 to 7 shaves. The CVS brand SE Blades and Treet blades from Rite Aid are not coated and for me start to darken (rust?) after about 3 shaves, they are still sharp but I don't trust using them after they change color.
Your timing couldn't be better. I was actually going to post my current experiences with SE longevity.

From February 1st to today (25th) I shaved a total of 20 times (this was everyday M-F and one Saturday). 13 of those was with a Personna GEM SE blade (Walgreens kind). Shaves #1-12 were wonderful. On Mondays with a 2 day growth and past shave #6 the blade still mowed the beard down and gave me a extremely comfortable shave. IIRC, I hand stropped the blade 30x each side roughly every other day on shaves #6. On shave #13 (yesterday), the shave was not as comfortable as the day before. It felt rough so I discarded the blade after I was done shaving. Although I wanted to give it one more shave just to confirm whether it was a bad shave on my part or a razor well past its prime, I decided 13 was a good number to stop at.

Despite having great shaves past shave #6, I could feel the razor dulling with each subsequent shave. I guess I could conclude that 6 is the magic number where quality starts to decline however, the decline was only minimally noticeable.

FWIW all of my shaves was either with Bigelow or Tabac while one of them was with Arko.
Ted Pellas and Walgreen Personna blades are coated stainless and last me 5 to 7 shaves. The CVS brand SE Blades and Treet blades from Rite Aid are not coated and for me start to darken (rust?) after about 3 shaves, they are still sharp but I don't trust using them after they change color.

Same results here. I could probably get more out of a Pella, but I don't want to push my luck.
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