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Scrubbing Bubbles

If I spray Scrubbing Bubbles on a really dirty vintage razor, how long should I leave it on the razor ? And then I guess I scrub with a toothbrush ?
3 minutes or so. On a really dirty razor, I liberally coat it with dish washing soap and let it soak in hottest tap water until it cools to roughly body temp I go at it with a toothbrush. Then I shoot it with Scrubbing Bubbles and wait 3 minutes or so, then scrub with a toothbrush. Repeat either or both as needed.
+1. Just be careful on Adjustables- the paint will come off the numbers if you get Scrubbing Bubbles on them.
That scrubbing bubbles is great for removing old dried up soap scum. I had an antique scuttle I bought years ago in an antique shop. I finally decided to clean it up good now that shaving is my hobby. I gave it a couple of squirts of S&B let it sit for a minute and rinsed it off. It looked like new. Great stuff.
So on the adjustables, what about going ahead and spraying the ring with the nimbers settings and the repainting the numbers once the razor is clean ?
Scrubbing Bubbles will work great at removing most crud. I'd leave it on for 2 or 3 minutes, hit it with an old toothbrush, and then rinse.
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