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Scritchnscrub's Tallow Soap - My First Impressions


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WOW....yes WOW. :001_tt1:

I was approached by Peter (Scritchnscrub) to see if I would want to try out his home-made soap he has been working on. Apparently it's been a long process, he kept it quite for a long time and is on batch 30+ with the soap. Needless to say, the sample he sent me from the current batch, he nailed it.

The soap has limited ingredients (9 including Tallow with NO lanolin), made by Peter in Canada, mild pepperminty scent and lathers like a dream. The only soap I can compare the texture to in puck form would be Vitos. It's not a hard tripled milled soap like PdP, but has the consistency and is malleable like MdC and Vitos.

As always, I do 1 test lather with any new product, so I pulled out my Rooney ST2 and gave it a while. I pressed my 50g sample in a soap dish, soaked my brush, gave it a good squeeze and started to lather on the puck gently. 10 sec there was not much happening, 20 sec, there was lather forming, 30 sec it was ready to try. I wet my hand, did some circular strokes and then some slapping/paining and it thickened up beyond belief.

The next day I was ready to test it on my face in a shave setting. Again, soaked brush and had my shower. When I got out I squeezed the brush and did the same 30 sec swirling and you will see from the pics below, there was not shortage of thick, creamy lather. The shave was flawless, the lather making was as easy as MdC and PdP and the shave was slick and had no post shave issues or irritation.

Day 2 (I'll continue my use of this soap for the next week or longer) I decided to leave more water in my brush. So I soaked my brush as usual and just gave a very gently squeeze, leaving most of the water in it. WOW, after about 15 sec of application, I seemed to have as much lather on my brush as the previous day. I continued to lather for my 30 sec and was rewarded with even more lather and an even slicker shave.

Weighing pre and post these shaves and test lather, it appears I am using approx 2.5g of soap per shave, which is in line with PdP and much less then other artisan soaps I have used in the past. I could likely get away with 15 sec of application time, but I didn't want to cut any corners and won't while I'm testing this soap out.

Ingredients: Steric Acid, Aqua, Coconut Oil, Glycerin, Potassium Hydroxide, Tallow, Caster Seed Oil, Sodium Hydroxide and Avocado Oil.

If this hits the market (fingers crossed it does), I wish him all the success he deserves for his dedication and trial and errors in getting this soap to where it is now.

Other artisan soap makers (and big names), you have been warned....A new soap may be hitting the shelves and dens of B&B members everywhere and it's one of the best soaps I have tried from the big names, small names and everything in between, including but not limited to MdC, PdP, Cella, RR, TFS, MW, QCS, Sterling, MB and Mike's.

Pressed in dish:

30 sec of application:

Overflow from applying to brush:

After pass 1:

Before pass 2:

Before pass 3:

After 3 passes and 1 left on face, from inside the brush:
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No tattoo mistakes!
I've also tested Peter's soap (from the same batch, I assume). I lack Bruce's range of comparative experience. As far as my own goes, however, I can say the performance of SnS is at least on a par with ABCBA (which I recently tried for the first time thanks to a gift from a B&B friend) and I prefer it to P.160 tipo morbido. My observations track with Bruce's right down the line.

When Peter mentioned the first sample coming to me would be Peppermint, I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't expect to be wild about it. To my surprise, I actually like it. Whatever other scents are mixed in aren't recognizable to me, but they apparently serve to mute the mint such that it isn't overpowering. In any case, that's both subjective and relatively unimportant. Other scents can be substituted. I'd like to try a subtle lavender or violet, or possibly rose.

Way to go Peter! This is exciting.

Thanks for the honor.
That brucered - he's always had impeccable taste. :biggrin1:

But seriously, it's incredibly wonderful to get that kind of feedback and I'm equally grateful and caught off guard. Thank you so much Bruce!

I don't actually have a game plan to sell my soap yet. For one thing, I want to focus on developing a couple of scents after obsessively tweaking the formula all spring and summer. For another, I'm not sure I'm ready to sell it formally at all. But I'm absolutely inspired to keep developing the soap and testing it for now and would welcome anyone's comments (you can PM me if you'd prefer) regarding what they'd like to see in a new artisan soap.

Again - thanks Bruce - I really appreciate the kind remarks and feedback. B&B is a great community that I'm grateful to be part of (even if my wife isn't as grateful for me being part of it).
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Way to go Peter! This is exciting.

Thanks for the honor.

Very exciting indeed and I too felt honored to try it and give my feedback.

I would also like to see a couple scents offered, not 20-30, but a couple quality EO offerings would be awesome.

Just what I need dangling in front of me....... more soaps :a38:...... "Made in Canada" too!

Made in Toronto, no less :thumbup:

I'm sorry, I must have missed the invite on this. :biggrin1:
How do I get my paws on some of this?

I guess there was only room for one Winnipeger and you must have drawn the short straw :ohmy:

I think it should be pointed out:

That brucered - he's always had impeccable taste. :biggrin1:

Finally, someone has taken notice of this :001_tt2:

All kidding aside, it was awesome to try it out and I really hope you consider some pucks for sale at B&B for others to experience what a few of us got a chance to.
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Thanks Ken - I really appreciate your help with this too. And I would concur about the pepperminty scent. I've never knowingly bought a mint scent myself because the thought never appealed to me. Truth is I'm not 100% satisfied with the scent myself. So I have a new obsession challenge obsession ahead of me. :w00t:
Good work Bruce. This is getting to the absolute crazy point with artisan soaps. And I for one say; YES! The day draws nigh where none of the "old" houses should feel secure in their clientele.

Cheers, Todd


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Good work Bruce Peter. This is getting to the absolute crazy point with artisan soaps. And I for one say; YES! The day draws nigh where none of the "old" houses should feel secure in their clientele.

Cheers, Todd

I fixed a typo for you. :001_tt2:

But yes, I agree we are very privileged to have all these great soaps created and made for us.

I am in the thought of "The more the better" as it puts pressure on others to raise the bar, lower prices and make better quality soaps. For me, this soap has "raised" the bar as to what an artisan shave soap can be.


No tattoo mistakes!
I fixed a typo for you. :001_tt2:

But yes, I agree we are very privileged to have all these great soaps created and made for us.

I am in the thought of "The more the better" as it puts pressure on others to raise the bar, lower prices and make better quality soaps. For me, this soap has "raised" the bar as to what an artisan shave soap can be.

Mo' is mo' betta!

Future soap orders put on hold, contemplate BST listing of personal soap stockpile, while promised to make Peter's soap my next.

Good luck!
Yep, I'm going to follow this. I just love the soaps, and it would be so exciting to try one before it gets to market.
I was lucky enough to get a sample of this soap from Peter, and I have to agree with Bruce and Chief-this is some pretty amazing soap.

Peter put a lot of work into this soap, and I am aware of several batches that he did not choose to share with samplers for one reason or another. I was very excited when I heard that my soap was in the mail. When I got my sample, I molded it into a Grundtal tin with ease, and inhaled a light peppermint scent that I found to be very nice.

The first time I used this soap I loaded for about 30 seconds with a damp boar, and the bowl exploded way beyond my expectations. The lather was too thick for a shave, so I had to add quite a bit of water. The result was an overflowing mug of thick, creamy lather - much more than I needed for one shave.

The second time around, I gave my brush a good long soak and only loaded for 15-20 seconds. I was rewarded with a nice, rich lather without having to add much water. It was also a slicker feel and much closer to a shave's worth of lather.

I've used this soaps three times so far and I'm quite impressed by the lather it produces. I really don't think that anyone could get a bad lather from it. It's almost so good that it's fool-proof.

I would certainly buy this if Peter decides to sell his soap. Not to put any pressure on you...

Love seeing these small Artisans making these soaps. I've only tried Stirling so far but am placing orders for Mikes, Mystic Waters, and look forward to trying SnS when it becomes available.


No tattoo mistakes!
I usually combine hard soaps with creams, e.g. P.160 tipo duro (so old it has hardly any noticeable scent) with Truefitt and Hill 1805. I pay attention to lather and have definite likes and dislikes with regard to scents. But the bottom line for me is quality of shave. I have a challenging face with some patches of whiskers as tough as No. 9 wire and a sizable, meandering scar covered with very thin skin. When I manage to get a perfect shave, which means BBS with not a hint of blood anywhere, a lot of credit goes to the soap. I had a perfect shave the first time I used Peter's soap.
I don't actually have a game plan to sell my soap yet. For one thing, I want to focus on developing a couple of scents after obsessively tweaking the formula all spring and summer. For another, I'm not sure I'm ready to sell it formally at all. But I'm absolutely inspired to keep developing the soap and testing it for now and would welcome anyone's comments (you can PM me if you'd prefer) regarding what they'd like to see in a new artisan soap.

I'm always happy to support another artisan soap maker. I'd like to place my vote for an unscented version of your soap. As one of those unfortunate few with sensitive skin and bad allergies, I can't use scented shaving soaps. If you ever decide to make an unscented version, I'd love to try it.

Mcgils - thank you too for your very kind words and thoughts. You guys have honestly made this all worth while. I've really loved working on this from the minute I started to research it. I've never had a serious hobby before (and I certainly never would have imagined a hobby surrounding shaving) so it's been fun to dig in on this. But it's incredibly rewarding to get positive feedback from some of the people I respect most on these boards.
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