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Scored a Slim Adjustable with problems

I scored a Slim Adjustable, 2 brushes (handles really), and a cup for $25 today. Sorry, no pictures, everyone should know what a slim adjustable looks like. I got it cleaned up and it is perfectly serviceable. However, the bar and one of the doors had a little corrosion where it looks like something acidic rested against the finish for some time. The result is that the plating is gone and the brass is evident. Can these be re-plated?
I scored a Slim Adjustable, 2 brushes (handles really), and a cup for $25 today. Sorry, no pictures, everyone should know what a slim adjustable looks like. I got it cleaned up and it is perfectly serviceable. However, the bar and one of the doors had a little corrosion where it looks like something acidic rested against the finish for some time. The result is that the plating is gone and the brass is evident. Can these be re-plated?
Here is one replated by Stan at Above the tie.com

Based on a mark 1 fingertip, there appears to be no pitting. All I cna feel is the edges of the plate layer of metal as my finger runs across the bar. SWMBO wants the to forego improving this razor and put my time/effort into finding a "complete set" for myself. By that, she means a President, Diplomat, and Senator to go with my Aristocrat. I think she has some kind of office display case in mind because she has remarked about how she likes the look of my NEW as well.

Not sure what I'll do. I haven't tried the razor yet as I am still working with my Merkur 33c until I can get consistent (relatively) BBS shaves face-over with it. Once I reach that milestone, I'll give it a try. It sure would look good with a gold plate though...
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