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Schick (type E-G) question--opening the head?

I got a type G (I think) at an antique mall, and I've been shaving with it for a couple weeks—I really like it! I saw a picture, on a vendor's site, of the razor's head opened up, posted below, and I'm wondering how to do this. If I could open the head like this it would help me clean up the razor better, but I'm concerned about damaging the razor. Could anyone describe the procedure?


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Some of the E types, but none of the G's were designed to open. You push the spring to the left, or over the patent numbers, to open it. Here's a couple pictures I took awhile back to illustrate how it's done.


What I've done, and I read it on B&B somewhere, is to take a wooden cooking skewer like you cook shish kabobs on and stick it in where the key goes and spray scrubbing bubbles in there and then stick it in some Barbicide.

It's definitely a G. I was confused because the first patent number matches the type E patent I found on safetyrazors.net Schick-ID guide (patent: 1806087).
I darn near ruined a g type trying to get it to open with pliers. I figured it was just frozen up. They are not meant to open, which is odd....
I darn near ruined a g type trying to get it to open with pliers. I figured it was just frozen up. They are not meant to open, which is odd....

I suggest there is no real need to open a Shick Injector razor for cleaning. It seems to me that everytime we slide the injector key in and we push a new blade in that there is a scraping and cleaning action that keeps the blade and injector key areas relatively clean.

I've never noticed any crud build-up in my Schick Injectors and I have about 6 of them. I started using them in 1957.
I agree with the post above, for me it just made sense that the G should open, its almost identical to the E, but hey i learned something new.
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