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Schick Re-plating Question?

Being new to SE razors but already a confirmed L.O.S.E.R. with a lovely English 1912 Ever Ready (and its tin on the way), I've been looking around at the various models and brands out there. This style of Schick with the butterscotch handle is gorgeous and I see that there are a number available in different condition around the web. If I were to buy one, is it possible to have it re-plated? It doesn't have to be done in that pretty swirly satin finish just plain gold plate would be grand but can it be done what with the handle being bakelite/plastic/catalin? Can the handle be removed easily and without damage, presumably by an expert? I may well come across one at an affordable price that needs so such work done to it but I'd like to arm myself with as much knowledge before going forth with my silvery coin.


Thank you in advance,
Graeme :biggrin1:
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