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Schick or Gillette

Who do you like more for all products razors to creams and all in between and why. I prefer gillette. What do you guys think of the quattro titanium, are titanium coated blades good? and yes i already know most of you like de safety razors but they are not in the question right now.:cursing:
Most of the board has very little interest in Gillette, or Schick's current offerings. We like quality products that perform well, and canned foams, and gels don't perform well enough for most of us.

A dislike of the current offerings (especially the Gillette Fusion) is what drove a lot of us to this board, and it's superior shaving methods in the first place. :thumbup:

As for DE razors, they can be super cheap. One can buy a vintage Gillette razor for around $10, and double edge blades are as little as $.10 each.

As for your original question, I think anything more than two blades on a cartridge razor is overkill. As such the Gillette Trac II, Atra, and Sensor all provide wonderful shaves. :biggrin1::001_cool:
I can not (and therefore, will not) disagree with the fine points of John's reply.

I have used both the Mach 3 and Schick Quattro. Of those two, I found the Schick less irritating . . . but neither can beat any of my Gillette DE or my Gem Junior SE in the "close, smooth, and painless" department . . .

I did not "leap" to the Fusion or any of the other recently introduced offerings - I'm happy being an "Old Guy" using old razors . . .
Asking us which we prefer, being bent over forwards or backwards, in board where we'd rather not be bent over at all, is likely not to get an answer to the question you asked. :biggrin1:


My elbows leak
Staff member
The guy is asking a legit question, he did say he wasn't interested in the DE route, so lets not belabor the point.
Anyone have an answer to the gents question?

FWIW I have also heard more praise for the Schick Hydro than I have for the Fusion.
I have not heard anything regarding their other products except that some don't care for the Thermal Face Scrub, in that it felt irritating.
FWIW I have also heard more praise for the Schick Hydro than I have for the Fusion.

I have used the Schick Hydro for about 10 shaves. If you can get past the goo factor, it provides a close, comfortable shave with very little fuss. I think it is vastly superior to the Fusion (bearing in mind I haven't used a Fusion in over a year).

However, I am not convinced the results with the Hydro are any better than that provided with a Trac II, Atra, or Sensor; and I would rather not spend extra money if I can avoid it. :laugh::laugh:
I haven't used a Shick or Gillette cartridge razor in a couple of years but I have used gillette cool wave after shave splash.Feels pretty good on a hot day.
The guy is asking a legit question, he did say he wasn't interested in the DE route, so lets not belabor the point.
Anyone have an answer to the gents question?

You're right, I mis-spoke.

I don't think I've ever shaved with a Schick product. I've used Atra, Sensor, and M3. Now I use a DE.

I was influenced back in the day by the advertising for the Atra. I do remember that. However, any advertising for anything more recent than the M3 has missed me. I don't watch TV, I don't listen to much radio, I don't pay attention to ads online, and I don't read print newspapers. Those companies have no real way to get to me. It's wonderful.
I can't tell you because I went electric after the Gillette Sensor Excel razor drove me crazy with its ribs, wiper blades, whatever. I went with some Panasonic Wet Dry Razors and Rotary heads until I went to DE because of the burn from the Wet Dry (in the wet mode) that was very noticeable.

Sorry, I skipped the 4, 5 and 6 blade classes in shaving school.
[A]ny advertising for anything more recent than the M3 has missed me. I don't watch TV, I don't listen to much radio, I don't pay attention to ads online, and I don't read print newspapers. Those companies have no real way to get to me. It's wonderful.

Don't forget those Gillette razor ads that are often seen inhabiting B&B ad space! :angry:

OP: Schick has a mail in rebate going for a free Hydro. You might want to check that out.

(Nope, doesn't sound like the 'give 'em a razor and they'll be buying blades for live' bit to me! :lol::lol::lol:)
before my DE days, I always preferred the Schick offering over Gillette's. In fact, I still have a pretty good sized horde of Schick Diamond FX cartridges for that occasional nostalgia moment. When it comes to cartridges, I definitely prefer 2 blades to 3/4/5/6/eleventy-seven.

And in disposable, I prefer the Bic Metal single blades.

In the DE arena, it's a much more complex equation: different blade and razor combinations make it impossible to pick a preference.
My top three favorite DE's include 2 Gillettes and one Schick (Schick's only DE to my knowledge, the Krona).

It's quite possible the Schick Krona loaded with a Feather blade is the very epitome of angels whispering the whiskers off my face.

I guess overall, I'm Schick-biased, but I do enjoy my Gillette DE's. Never cared for their cartridge systems
The Schick ones have a fair bit of plastic covering the back of the cartridge so is hard to wash. I actually get loads of acne using it because I cant clean out the gunk.

Gillette blades are better in comparison.
I used Gillette cartridges and got along fine with them for a while. I never used any Schick handle, I'm guessing it's because Gillette products are always more prominent in the stores where I shop.
Where can I find the mail-in rebate for the free Schick Hydro? I'd like to try one for free. After all, that's how I got my M3, Quattro, and FUsion.

The M3 and Fusion have had a tendency to cut me. I think it has to do with the limp-wristed pivot design. The Quattro gave me serious razor burn and bumps. I gave the Quattro away to a friend who inherited 12 of the 4 packs of carts for it, and he loves it.
Don't know why I haven't given the FUsion and M3 away yet.:blink:

I like Gillette Sensor and Atra, in that order, for cartridge razors. The Sensor was my first non-electric razor, back in 1990. They both give good shaves. Not crazy about the Sensor Excel carts with the French ticklers. I prefer my blades to be NOT "ribbed for her pleasure".

Don't have a Schick DE, yet. Do have a couple of old Schick Injectors, E and G types, and I like them a lot. The E type is a bit overly aggressive for the first 2 shaves when a new blade is installed, but it is a whisker whacker supreme. It puts my Red Tip, Micromatic, and Neillite 400 to shame in that department, and they're not mild shavers by a long shot.

Though I'm a single blade fan till Hell freezes over, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for my Sensor(just like I do for blond haired, blue eyed women of Hungarian descent).
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