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Scent vs Performance

When it comes to your AS (B/L/M/S/whatever) which is more important to you, the scent or the performance? I find that I am usually willing to give up scents I really enjoy (like C&E Sienna or CO Bigelow ASBs) for really good performers who may not have bad scents, but ones that I just do not like nearly as much (Musgo, Speick). What about you?

And a side note, how to you pronounce the "Real" in Musgo Real? Is it like "Man, this Musgo Real is really good", or "I wonder if the guys from Real Madrid use Musgo Real"?
For me they must have both. A nice smell, as well as being good performers. Otherwise, I'll shop around until I find what I want.

This is my AS criteria:

1. Must contain menthol and glycerine (only exceptions that I use is Clubman and OS)

2. Scent must last atleast an hour (it can fade, but if it's totally gone before the hour is up, it's garbage to me)

Concerning balms, I really like Proraso's sensitive skin AS/Balm. Nivea sensitive skin balm is also a good performer for the cost. I like the smell of both but of course the scent of balms never lasts.
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I use aftershaves and balms in my normal morning routine and tend to do a lot of layering with products. Most have been good performers. The aftershaves seal my pores and close small nicks at a variety of burn levels. The balms all moisturize my skin to various degrees.

Because I layer a lot the fragrance seems to have good staying power. Aqua Velva aftershave followed by Aqua Vela Ice Balm 20 minutes later as I finish getting dressed works well for me. I had problems with T&H Trafalgar lasting till I started layering with the aftershave, balm and cologne.

Back to your question I always start with the scent. If I like the scent and if the product line has good depth in its offerings (ie aftershave, balm, and cologne) I generally find the performance to be fine.
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I like scents that match my shaving products, but that only motivates my AS choice about 10% of the time. For a daily AS, I prefer a great performer with a neutral or versatile scent. All summer long, my AS of choice has been SCS Blue Line Menthol. Great menthol kick, and no fragrance to speak of to interfere with whatever cologne I choose to wear that day.
I pay more attention to scent than performance. I'd simply use water if I were not interested in smelling good.
This has been a HOT Summer. That said, some general observations on Performance, Aftershave and others.
I don't particularly crave the scent of OS Swagger and Showtime, but appreciate their staying power through some pretty miserable sweats. They work.
I'm with Swampfox, I have to like the scent.
Polo green shave balm has staying power and makes your face feel great. Good stuff!
OS Endurance Original Scent has staying power. OS Original does not. I like both.
I mix OS Cologne with my OS aftershave( or Ivy Club) so that it does have staying power, and I can smell it while it stays since its under my nose.
Speed Stick Musk has pretty good performance, I was surprised. Beverly Hills Polo Club does not.
Sorry to interject deodorant performance comparisons in an aftershave thread.
Bottom line, pump up your AS with a little of the matching cologne!
I know where you're coming from-------in fact, I just used the Musgo Real this AM. I diluted mine down a bit with plain WH, because it's so sticky. I'm not crazy about the scent, but it works great-----at least after it's diluted a bit in this way.

Speick is a close second in terms of performance for me, but top-notch in the scent category. Tabac is up there too, but it's almost too strong for days I'll be in close proximity to others.
I've really come to appreciate the Master's aftershaves more and more. They go on real gentle, even though they are alcohol based. I have two Master's AS in my den (amoung a crowd of various AS). Master's Lilac Vegetol, and Master's Topaz. Neither the topaz nor LV has menthol. These go on sm ooo th!

Oh, I should mention, great scent too. The topaz does not stay around long, the LV stays around about 2 hours, not too loud though.
If it doesn't perform, the scent is pointless, as I have a couple that do both brilliantly.

Having said that, I haven't yet tried an AS I find offputting for scent.
The scent is the #1 thing and then the performance is secondary. I don't like cheap smelling synthetic scents at all. I do like to use glycerin or panthenol in my AS's most of the time but there are some worthwhile exceptions like Alt Innsbruck. SCS splashes are the best moisturizers out there for my skin type which tends to be slighter sensitive but not terribly. DR Harris splashes are great all rounders for quality of scent and performance.
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