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scared to start.

Hi guys.
I quit cigarettes about 4 years ago now, I'm 25 now and I'm thinking I want to casually start smoking a pipe but I am worried about it kicking in an addiction again and the thought of cancer scares me. I'm also a big fitness freak and I'm concerned smoking a pipe will really effect me like cigarettes did. I really just want to try it out and I'm worried I'll spend yhe mobey and then quit on it. I just want to get my toes wet before I make a decision but I don't personally know any pipe smokers. So any info would be great. Sorry for the ramblings guys.

Sounds like maybe you should let sleeping dogs lay. I'd never tell a recovering alcoholic to try wine because it's
more refined than beer or vodka. It's your decision, and if you decide to take up the hobby we are here to advise, but I don't think anyone should be encouraging you to take it up. Good luck.
Mr. Mallen offers sound advice, and I would agree.

Sounds like maybe you should let sleeping dogs lay. I'd never tell a recovering alcoholic to try wine because it's
more refined than beer or vodka. It's your decision, and if you decide to take up the hobby we are here to advise, but I don't think anyone should be encouraging you to take it up. Good luck.

I'm an ex smoker myself and I know I can hold back on smoking cigarettes, if you aren't sure about it, no worries no pressure. You do what you think is best for you, and if that's smoke free then we all support you!

Happy Shaving,
In your post (absolutely no disrespect intended here) I see (my visual from reading your post) a trembling hand with a glass of booze. The hand doesn't want to bring the glass to the mouth, but it just can't help it.
Good luck my friend!
I agree with the above advice. I would recommend not even an occasional pipe smoke. You are at high risk for turning back into a daily smoker.

I am biased though. I'm an ER doc in a metropolitan area, and EVERY SINGLE DAY I see at least 2 or 3 people with bad COPD from smoking. Bad enough they can't even walk up stairs without breathing issues. Not to mention the numerous talks I've had with people saying "your chest x-ray is concerning for cancer." Just stay away, it is the best thing you can do for your health. Also, if/when you have kids, it is the best thing for them, too.
This is the BL fellas, anti-smoking debates are for the barbershop, or another forum. If the OP wants to start smoking a pipe, that's his business. I just don't think encouraging him to do so is the responsible thing to do. Discouraging him and throwing out a lot of personal opinion on the matter is just going to get the thread locked. I'm sure the OP is a big boy and has heard all of the surgeon generals warnings.


My elbows leak
Staff member
This is the BL fellas, anti-smoking debates are for the barbershop, or another forum. If the OP wants to start smoking a pipe, that's his business. I just don't think encouraging him to do so is the responsible thing to do. Discouraging him and throwing out a lot of personal opinion on the matter is just going to get the thread locked. I'm sure the OP is a big boy and has heard all of the surgeon generals warnings.

Spot on.
I was just about to make a post here saying the exact same thing.
Thank you.

Anti-smoking discussions do not belong here and will be removed, so save yourself the trouble of typing it out. Period.
Well, here goes my 2 cents. I quit smoking cigarettes in August 2012 and took up an e-cig at the same time. The e-cig has completely replaced cigarettes, and has changed my habit into something I can do without.

I started smoking cigars about 1 year ago. I love cigars and they do not make me crave cigarettes at all, and no, I don't inhale. With cigars it's all about flavor and combining flavors with beverages and finding the right cigar after a good meal. I don't know if I'm getting a nicotine hit off a cigar, but it never makes me want to follow up with a cigarette. I usually treat my self to a cigar about once or twice a week when the weather is good. I only smoke outside. Right now it's freezing here in Denmark and ankle deep in snow. I had a cigar last week out in my shed while I was working on scales for a straight razor, but apart from that, I haven't had one since late October. It's a seasonal thing for me, and far from being a habit that rules me.

Looking back, cigarettes were like shaving with cartridges. It was just something I did as a matter of routine. Cigars are more like a little me-time. A bit of luxury and self indulgence, like really enjoying a good shave with time set aside to do it properly and choose the right razor, soap, prep, brush. Like wise, what will it be today after a good steak dinner? Rocky Patel, Cohiba or a Monti? Which coffee would go best with that cigar?


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Sounds like maybe you should let sleeping dogs lay. I'd never tell a recovering alcoholic to try wine because it's
more refined than beer or vodka. It's your decision, and if you decide to take up the hobby we are here to advise, but I don't think anyone should be encouraging you to take it up. Good luck.

I have to agree here, and I tend to be a big enabler. Why play with fire? (no pun intended)
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