Hi guys.
I quit cigarettes about 4 years ago now, I'm 25 now and I'm thinking I want to casually start smoking a pipe but I am worried about it kicking in an addiction again and the thought of cancer scares me. I'm also a big fitness freak and I'm concerned smoking a pipe will really effect me like cigarettes did. I really just want to try it out and I'm worried I'll spend yhe mobey and then quit on it. I just want to get my toes wet before I make a decision but I don't personally know any pipe smokers. So any info would be great. Sorry for the ramblings guys.
I quit cigarettes about 4 years ago now, I'm 25 now and I'm thinking I want to casually start smoking a pipe but I am worried about it kicking in an addiction again and the thought of cancer scares me. I'm also a big fitness freak and I'm concerned smoking a pipe will really effect me like cigarettes did. I really just want to try it out and I'm worried I'll spend yhe mobey and then quit on it. I just want to get my toes wet before I make a decision but I don't personally know any pipe smokers. So any info would be great. Sorry for the ramblings guys.