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Scar prevention

Managed to slice off a bit of skin under my chin...bled like crazy, alum got it under control and now I'm trying to minimize the scar that will no doubt occur...I put a little tea tree oil with vitamin e ointment on there for now...suggestions anyone?
I took a slice out right beside the corner of my mouth with my straight. Keep it clean, neosporin works to keep it from getting infected. My sister gave me some Emu Oil mixed with a few other homeopathic oils. It has seemed to work really well. Also, massage the healing skin. Keep good blood flow to the area and that will minimize discoloration and scaring.
+1 on chicks dig scars. i got a little one on my cheek from the straight that hasnt gone away after a few months. was going to put some of the wife's maderma on it and got the big NO from her. she said it looked sexy! haha.
+1 on chicks dig scars. i got a little one on my cheek from the straight that hasnt gone away after a few months. was going to put some of the wife's maderma on it and got the big NO from her. she said it looked sexy! haha.

if i were you, i would try and get a few MORE scars!
From what I remember of instructions from a dermatologist, to prevent scarring, you should keep it covered and prevent a scab from forming. You do that by mixing hydrogen peroxide and water and applying with a qTip. You can keep it covered either with a band-aid or Vaseline.
Keep it clean, neosporin works to keep it from getting infected. Also, massage the healing skin. Keep good blood flow to the area and that will minimize discoloration and scaring.

This is good advice...except my dertmatologist specifically recommends using Polysporin instead of Neosporin. Poly will actually prevent it from scarring, Neo will help it heel faster. You also can only use Neosporin for a limited amount of time, ie a week or so.

From what I remember of instructions from a dermatologist, to prevent scarring, you should keep it covered and prevent a scab from forming. You do that by mixing hydrogen peroxide and water and applying with a qTip. You can keep it covered either with a band-aid or Vaseline.

This too is good advice. I would let it air out each day, after cleaning it with the H-P-oxide. Then put the Neosporin on it and cover. Good luck!

BTW, "Chicks dig scars" +1
Vaseline and Vitamin e -- that is what a surgeon told me to use after he opened up my hand to the tune of about 20 stitches. Slopped on the gunk and covered it with a cheap cotton glove before going to bed. It worked reasonably well -- I can still see the cut line, but most others would not.
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