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Scales on a Feather Artist Club

Just wondering if you can replace the scales on a Feather AC folding razor and has anyone here attempted that yet?? Thank you in advance for your replies.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Lifetooshort71 made some custom g10 scales for his Hart. The Feather is very similar, although it has all manner of washers inside.
I just got a Feather AC SS, and I absolutely hate the scales. Very cheap plastic. I want to get it rescaled ASAP!
I just got a Feather AC SS, and I absolutely hate the scales. Very cheap plastic. I want to get it rescaled ASAP!

I have a Feather SS and I agree - the scales are cheap for such an expensive razor - you would think they would make them a bit nicer. As far as making scales for them - in the end, the tang of any folder design will have a hole in it so there is no reason you can't make any kind of scales you want for it. If the hole is too large for your dream design, then shim it with some K&S brass tubing. My fear with the CJB non-folder was that the design wouldn't lend itself to a folder but I think they (CJB) made the same head for folders and for non-folders (no so with the Feather versions).

I chose an 'RG' type of scales for that CJB and it is now in my regular rotation - the SS is not. I would recommend going with just a little more material on the scales than you would normally for a regular straight. Not much, though. I made mine a tad heavier and was glad I did once I got it all together. After using it for a few months, I think I would make the next one just a gram or two heavier. BTW: there is a world of difference between loose scales and tight scales on them - tight seems soooo much better.
I have a Feather SS and I agree - the scales are cheap for such an expensive razor - you would think they would make them a bit nicer. As far as making scales for them - in the end, the tang of any folder design will have a hole in it so there is no reason you can't make any kind of scales you want for it. If the hole is too large for your dream design, then shim it with some K&S brass tubing. My fear with the CJB non-folder was that the design wouldn't lend itself to a folder but I think they (CJB) made the same head for folders and for non-folders (no so with the Feather versions).

I chose an 'RG' type of scales for that CJB and it is now in my regular rotation - the SS is not. I would recommend going with just a little more material on the scales than you would normally for a regular straight. Not much, though. I made mine a tad heavier and was glad I did once I got it all together. After using it for a few months, I think I would make the next one just a gram or two heavier. BTW: there is a world of difference between loose scales and tight scales on them - tight seems soooo much better.

I understand that the "cheap scales" on the AC are meant to withstand an autoclave and temps of 135 celsius, but it is good to know that they can be personalised. You are right about the cheap look. I have heard so many good things about the Feather AC and since I do not have enough stones yet I can not get a razor to pass the HHT. I have had good luck so far with shaving my face and head with a straight I don't want to push it with a dulling straight. I can tell the edge needs more than stropping because now ATG on my neck the razor just stops. I had a choice to receive a Feather AC as a gift and I chose the folding for storage safety. I won't get it until after the 1st, but I can already tell I would like to improve the appearance. I like the walnut scales you did on the CJB. Classy. I was looking at the teak Feather, but double the price is just not worth it. Is the hole on the Feather the same style as the CJB and do you think it will take a Hart style pin?
Is the hole on the Feather the same style as the CJB and do you think it will take a Hart style pin?

The hole is not the same but you can shim it with brass tubing. K&S makes nesting tubing so go to a hardware store or hobby shop that carries it and select what you need. A little loose on the pin is OK, though. I don't mind the RG scales even though they are sort of plain-Jane. They are functional, tight, and well balanced.

I don't have an autoclave so I don't worry too much about warping or hurting the scales ;-}. Wood scales treated with Tung oil are very robust and easily maintained/touched up. I have some nice shiny custom scales on several of my razors but I don't have them in my lineup - the shiny will go away with use and make the razor look less happy. I like the satin finishes for my regular razors.
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