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Scale applique help

I picked up this sweet Sta-Sharp razor yesterday from an antique mall. The only problem that I can find with it is the metal accents near the wedge and pivot pin are pulling up from the scales.

What's the best way to fix them. Really careful use of CA, or is there a better method?

Thanks in advance.
The metal is pretty soft. Maybe start by just trying to bend it back down?

+1 It almost looks as if the razor might have taken a slight impact on the pin or something -- just enough to cause the pin/washer to press in a bit and 'bowl' the bolster. I'd try gently massaging them back down and see if that won't do the trick.
I would try gently rolling across the lifted part face down on a counter or other hard surface with a little light pressure.

That should conform them back against the scales.
I would try gently rolling across the lifted part face down on a counter or other hard surface with a little light pressure.

That should conform them back against the scales.

Right idea wrong surface...
Edit: Sorry that came off sounding a bit like a know it all,, IME the harder surface won't allow for the same amount of control in re-curving, and it is a bit less forgiving to somebody new to this....

Roll it across a piece of soft pine or the like, pay particular attention to those edges... The metal bends pretty easy and the slight give of the soft wood allows it to re-curve around the scales easier....

As a last resort use CA
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Right idea wrong surface...
Edit: Sorry that came off sounding a bit like a know it all,, IME the harder surface won't allow for the same amount of control in re-curving, and it is a bit less forgiving to somebody new to this....

Roll it across a piece of soft pine or the like, pay particular attention to those edges... The metal bends pretty easy and the slight give of the soft wood allows it to re-curve around the scales easier....

As a last resort use CA

Yes you are correct. A softer surface would work a lot better. Good idea about using a soft wood like pine.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm going to try and roll them back into shape later this afternoon. I'll update the thread with the results.
So, to update the thread, here's what I did. Hopefully my explanation makes sense.

I slide an exacto knife blade under the metal near the pin. Then I light lifted it and rolled it towards the end of the applique. This bowed it up. I then gently reformed it to the scale. Seems to have worked pretty well. I think I'm still going to use a very small amount of CA to keep them flush.

Thanks to everyone for your help.
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