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Savile row love

I absolutely love my Savile row 3824. This brush is amazing. Super soft to the touch and builds lather exceptionally well. I mostly use creams but occasionally use tabac or mwf and this brush handles both with ease. If you don't own a Savile row brush I highly recommend you try one.
^+1 After rinsing the brush and letting it dry the hair is not quite as soft as the hair of my other badger brushes. But after soaking the brush for a few minutes and lathering it is very soft again.
Got my 3824 a week or so ago.I could not agree more with your assesment.It won a brush wars contest awhile back and I can see why.I bought a smaller one awhile back that does not get much use.The 3824 deserves the praise it gets
I've had my Savile Row 3324 for a year. Spectacular brush and what a joy to use! Creams and soaps weep. :001_tt2: It out performs my two Thaters.

I'm currently mulling over the purchase of a new brush and I've been looking at Shavemac, Rooney Hertiage, or M&F. But. . .I keep finding myself on QED's website drooling over another SR. :w00t: I wish they'd offer a variety of handle colors. Their handles are great, but all "faux ivory?" COME ON. :biggrin1: And I don't care for "Natural Horn."
The SR 3824 is indeed a fine brush. When I was bowl lathering exclusively it was superb and effective.

Since switching to face lathering I find myself reaching for smaller knots with a little more backbone - that SR is just a bloomin' beast on the face for me. In no way discounting it's value nor discouraging purchase - and QED are real nice to deal with.
I've been looking at getting a new badger. How does the 3824, or the 2824 compare with comparable rooneys or simpsons.
Savile Row = Shavemac Silvertip = soft, not very dense, great flow through, enough backbone; softer than any Simpsons I've tried; about as soft as Rooney Silvertip.
I have read nothing but good things about the SR silvertips. I want to get a brush with super soft tips to add to my collection. I am finding I like small knots so I am thinking of getting the 3318, however I cant find much info on it. Seems most people like the bigger knots.

Has anyone used one of the 18 mm knots?


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a Savile Row Brush thread, with no pics...Tisk Tisk. :thumbdown

this is another brush (there are a few) that i want to try sooner, rather then later.
I have read nothing but good things about the SR silvertips. I want to get a brush with super soft tips to add to my collection. I am finding I like small knots so I am thinking of getting the 3318, however I cant find much info on it. Seems most people like the bigger knots.

Has anyone used one of the 18 mm knots?

Yup. My favorite brush the 3118.
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