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Savile Row 3824 or Duke 3?

Savile Row 3824 or Duke 3?

  • Savile Row 3824

  • Duke 3

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I feel like it's time to get my first high quality brush. I'm looking for a great all rounder, and these two seem to fit the bill.
I own both and use both.The SR might be a little better with creams.The answer is to get both!
I don't have the SR, but my Duke 3 in Best is a great all around brush. Very soft, particularly when compared to its smaller brothers and very dense.
I voted for the Savile Row only because I have a Duke 2, and as nice a brush as it is, I think I'd like something more like the SR. Honestly, you probably can't make a bad choice here.
Like this?
Nope. Nice brush, but the hair is not any different than regular Super grade. 2 Band is the better choice YMMV
What about a Duke 3 in 3-band Super Custom ?
SR won the Brush Wars. That was my main reason for getting it. Lathers creams/soaps either/or. Face or bowl it's great but I'm finding I want a smaller knot as I exclusively face lather now.

Having said that it's great to know the SR bowls like a boss.
I have them both. Great brushes. I have been using the Duke 3 for soaps as well as creams. Haven't tried the SR on soaps yet. The SR dries prickly,but is very soft when it's wet.
Duke is an excellent all around brush.

This has got to be a joke right? You mean the Duke 3 gets this much competition from a Savile Row brush? Who'd a thunk?
Seriously, they get very little mention on the boards. Good to know they are of that quality.
Comparing these two is like comparing oranges and apples. They are two great brushes which happen to be in the same price range, with very different types of hair and knots. It depends what properties one's looking for.
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