the wife and I went to an annual fundraiser lastnight which required both of use to dress appropriately. we get to the event at 4pm and she had volunteered to help out before guests started arriving. the social hour didn't start til 5, so I told her I wasn't gonna stand around until people started coming. so, I wandered off a few blocks in the downtown area and stopped by a men's clothier that happens to carry Alden, AE and a couple italian brand shoes. I was browsing the store when one of the salesmen asks if I need help. I told him no but then asked him what styles of Alden they carried. we began talking about shoe brands and during our conversation I noticed he kept looking down at my feet. I wasn't too self-conscious about it but I did find it peculiar that he kept looking at my shoes. why do salesmen do this? when I made my way back to the social hour of the fundraiser I caught myself doing the exact same thing, but I tried being tactful about it. I did notice that the majority of men at this event didn't bother shining their shoes, quite a few couldn't color coordinate and some wore badly fitted suits. I think I was the only person sporting a pocket square though 
so how many of you inspect another man's shoes, either from afar or when you're talking to them? does it change your impression of them as a person?

so how many of you inspect another man's shoes, either from afar or when you're talking to them? does it change your impression of them as a person?