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Sandalwood Comparisons

I've been interested in getting some new sandalwood cologne (or aftershave). I have nearly finished a bottle of D.R. Harris and was interested in trying some others, but I didn't want to get into the super expensive realm. So as I sit here typing I have four different fragrances on the backs of my hands and my upper arms: the aforementioned D.R. Harris, Taylor of Old Bond Street, Trumpers and Stirling.

My wife, to whom I generally defer in matters of scent, has picked out the Taylor as her favorite among the four. My ranking would be as follows:
1. Trumpers
2. Stirling
3. D.R. Harris

I find that the Harris is a bit overpowering, the TOBS a bit too sweet, and the Stirling a bit too synthetic/chemical smelling. That said, I am terrible at describing scents. I'll start wearing them and see which one turns out to be my favorite in use, and whether my wife changes her mind.
the DRH sandalwood is probably the 'most linear' (straight) of your four.
you might try just using less product, or diluting slightly with a few drops of water.
if you want to explore, Truefitt&Hill, Floris, AOS, Creed, many others do sandalwoods.
And, congrats on involving your wife!!!

dr harris sandalwood morris forndran thiers issard la legende june 28 2017.jpg
I prefer the Art of Shaving sandalwood scent. To me, it is much more deeper and complex than the TOBS version. If not, AOS, i would go Geo F Trumper.
My favorite used to be Maitre de Parfumer Santal but I've read that the reformulation isn't the same. Hard to find also. Another favorite of mine was Floris Santal which is very affordable. Trumper is very long lasting on me. and would get my vote of your 4 choices.
I have tried Proraso Sandalwood preshave, and a soap sample, and I did enjoy it. Also, had a tub of TOBS which was nice. Scents are different between those two and I might have a slight inclination towards Proraso as I recall frequently opening to smell the scent of the PreShave. I may someday pick up a bottle of Proraso aftershave balm (right now I am using Prorase Blue balm which is one of the best balms I have ever used). Other than that, the only other Sandalwood I have tried was Viking aftershqve balm which was very nice.
Truefitt and Hill Sandalwood Cologne is very similar to TOBS. T&F is my daily Cologne when wearing sandalwood.

I have all the others you mention But T&F tops them for me.

If your wife likes TOBS she will also like T&H I would think. However fragrances are very personal.
To be fair, a lot of these scents are not really true sandalwood scents and probably don't use real sandalwood oil. Hence, why stirling may seem synthetic to your nose. That said, Trumpers has my favourite sandalwood scent of the lineup, followed by DRH. Unfortunately, like Oud, Iris etc. Sandalwood if you want it...you gotta pay for it and they are very expensive.
My favorite is QED Sandalwood shave soap but alas it can't be found anymore and my last puck just ran out, which is why I found this thread. I'm going to try Sterling, but might end up going back to AOS.
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Of the splashes and balms I have tried (including "adjacents") my preferences seem to be in ascending order
  • D.R.Harris
  • Stirling
  • TOBS
  • Ethos Sándalo Artistico
  • Antica Barbieria Colla Red Sandalwood
  • Castle Forbes Cedarwood & Sandalwood
  • Floris Santal (lightish scent, heavy favorite)
Your ranking makes a lot of sense, especially with how you describe the scents. Trumpers seems to have hit the right balance for you, while Stirling, despite its popularity for being budget-friendly, didn’t quite measure up in terms of natural feel. The D.R. Harris being a bit overpowering is something I’ve heard before—sandalwood can be a strong note, and how it’s blended really changes how it comes across.As you start wearing them more regularly, it’ll be interesting to see how they evolve on your skin and if your preferences shift. Scents can change a lot with body chemistry, time of day, and even mood. And who knows? Maybe your wife will end up liking one of the others after all!
TOBS Sandalwood gets my vote (but I am a bit of a fanboy). I actually prefer the aftershave to the cologne though. The scent lasts a long time and it is not as sweet as the cologne.
The only true sandalwood that I have which ruined me for anything else is ETHOS Mysore Santal. I started with the Skin Food Splash and then picked up the EDT.



Beet her to it!
I've been interested in getting some new sandalwood cologne (or aftershave). I have nearly finished a bottle of D.R. Harris and was interested in trying some others, but I didn't want to get into the super expensive realm. So as I sit here typing I have four different fragrances on the backs of my hands and my upper arms: the aforementioned D.R. Harris, Taylor of Old Bond Street, Trumpers and Stirling.

My wife, to whom I generally defer in matters of scent, has picked out the Taylor as her favorite among the four. My ranking would be as follows:
1. Trumpers
2. Stirling
3. D.R. Harris

I find that the Harris is a bit overpowering, the TOBS a bit too sweet, and the Stirling a bit too synthetic/chemical smelling. That said, I am terrible at describing scents. I'll start wearing them and see which one turns out to be my favorite in use, and whether my wife changes her mind.
You will find no better than Tam Dao Eau de parfum Diptyque. Absolutely amazing.. and it last FOREVER…

In my opinion.
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