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Salter Indian Sandalwood vs Other Sandalwood

I received a sample of this cream recently, and had a question about the scent. Most recently, I have tried Sandalwood or Sandalwood combination scents from Vintage Blades' house brand, Mama Bear (w/Vanilla), and Trumper's. The Vanilla note in Mama Bear's offering notwithstanding, these all had a dominant scent which I loved, and was pretty sure was the Sandalwood. I arrived at that conclusion by noting the dominant scent in the VB Sandalwood cream, detecting it strongly in Mama Bear's (and readily identifying the complimentary Vanilla) and finding that same strong note in the Trumper's.

Then I try this Salter Indian Sandalwood stuff - it smells nothing like anything prior. In fact, I have no idea what the heck that smell is. I have two suspicions which I would like help confirming (they are not mutually exclusive).

1. I received a sample of some other cream, inadvertently.
2. Salter's Indian Sandalwood smells nothing like typical Sandalwood.

I thought that maybe "Indian" Sandalwood was different from "Common" Sandalwood; however, West Indian Limes, for example, was still identifiably Lime. This, to me, isn't like any other Sandalwood I've used.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
I agree with you sir it is unlike any other SW I have tried. TBH I have given up comparing SW scent as they seem to vary so much, I found the Salter scent to be rather sweet and a little sickly, more pastry than wood work shop.

It performed well enough but I couldn't get past what seemed to be quite an artificial scent so I sold it on.
"Gingerbread cookies" is a good description for Salters Indian Sandalwood. The only other Salter cream I've tried is the French Vetiver, and to me, it is also rather unique in that the vetiver scent is very, very strong, and it's a very earthy, muddy, wet-grass scent that isn't particularly sweet like some vetiver scents. I like it a lot!
OK, so I probably didn't get the wrong stuff, having heard Gingerbread Cookies from folks. Odd.. when you say "Sandalwood" and deliver "Gingerbread Cookies"...

Doesn't much matter, I killed it with PLV right after and I'm perfectly content.
People say Vulfix sandalwood has that same baked cookie smell. I like cookies, just not sure I want them mashed up in my shaving cream. I might go for an oreo shave cream though


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Yep- if you want that warm cookie sensation, get the Vulfix.
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