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Ruger SR22

Does anyone have any experience with the Ruger SR22? I am thinking about getting the wife one, she has a CZ75B but in recent years the recoil has her not wanting to shoot it, plus the slide is getting hard for her to manipulate. I told her I would get her one of these in trade for the CZ.

She has arthritic hands so I'd have to see how hard it would be to rack the slide. She can do it with my buckmark so I'm thinking this new Ruger should work well for her.

The reviews seem mostly positive.
I played with one for quite a while in the store on a few occasions when 22 shopping. I ended up with a mark 3 instead because I wanted the ability to modify it, but I found it to be a very nice gun. I read very positive reviews as well.

If I'm ever able yo convince my wife to shoot, I'd buy her that without hesitation.
If your wife has problems racking a slide, I would go with a .22 revolver. More money, yes, but no slide to rack...And they are purty guns! :)

Just a thought.
If it's a defensive piece and she has arthritis, see if you can find a used or new Beretta 84, 85 or 86 (usually, a large frame .380).

They're 'mid-sized 9mm' sized these days, but common in Italy with female security guards (four of five I knew carried one, the other had a Walther P99) and just like the little Beretta .32 Tomcat, they have a tip-up barrel.

Slam in a full mag, pop the barrel up, handload one round, pop it down and she's ready to go.

Varies between 8-14 round capacity I believe.

Better than a .22.

In the .22 crowd, have her try a S&W M&P22 pistol, it's built a little more rugged than the Ruger version from what I've seen and several guys I know who've had extensive trigger time on them (500-2,000 rounds+).
I've got one, it's a sweet little pistol. I would experiment with ammo though, and break it in. It didn't start out too reliable, but jams much less now. It's a much better pistol than the Walther that looks the same. I don't think I'd trust it as a defensive pistol though, 22 ammo is too unreliable, I've seen too many rounds with hard strikes that didn't go off...

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
S&W has a very nice .22 pistol, the M&P 22. Made by Walther in Germany. We have one and it performs great. Its the perfect small 22 pistol for woman.
Went out and picked one of these up today. Got to wait 3 days before I can pick it up.. I did a lot of reading and watching review videos before buying.
Went out and picked one of these up today. Got to wait 3 days before I can pick it up.. I did a lot of reading and watching review videos before buying.

3 days - is that all? Maryland is so far behind that I was told it would be 21 days for my AR.
Well, I had a chance to give this little pistol a go today. Started out with a 50 rounds of Federal bulk. What a freakin disaster that was, think of any kind of malfunction you can think of and it happened. I was getting a little pissed at first, I mean I read all kinds of reviews claiming this pistol went through anything it was fed..........WRONG!!

I also brought with me a box (100 rounds) of CCI mini mags. Got to shooting these and not one malfunction, not one. I know the .22 can be ammo sensitive because my Mark 3 will not shoot Remington's but will eat these Federal bulks right up.

Once it got running right the little Ruger was a hoot to shoot. I just need to find what other ammo it will use.
Well, I had a chance to give this little pistol a go today. Started out with a 50 rounds of Federal bulk. What a freakin disaster that was, think of any kind of malfunction you can think of and it happened. I was getting a little pissed at first, I mean I read all kinds of reviews claiming this pistol went through anything it was fed..........WRONG!!

I also brought with me a box (100 rounds) of CCI mini mags. Got to shooting these and not one malfunction, not one. I know the .22 can be ammo sensitive because my Mark 3 will not shoot Remington's but will eat these Federal bulks right up.

Once it got running right the little Ruger was a hoot to shoot. I just need to find what other ammo it will use.

I have a Ruger 10/22 rifle that will shoot anything EXCEPT Federal bulk ammo. Like you said, malfunctions galore with that stuff. I have never had any issues with any other types of ammo.
that Federal bulk does have issues in some maybe more than some. i found they run in about 1/2 of my 22;s without troubles.
Had a chance to shoot the SR22 today. Used some more of the bulk Federal and some old Winchester Wildcats. Had one ftf (out of 50 rounds) with the Federal and no issues with the Winchesters. Not bad considering the mess the Federals caused first time out. I think the problem was, the guide rod spring was just floating around instead of being captured buy the rod. I fixed that with the last cleaning and she ran good this time out.
CCI Mini Mag's are the Cadillac of 22 ammo. I have an early 70s Remington Nylon 66 (original owner) and a cheapie Phoenix Arms 22 semi auto, both of which had gotten to the point where the CCI was all they would shoot reliably. I completely disassembled the actions on both anddrowned them in Hoppes solvent, followed by a coating of CLP Break-Free. Now they'll both eat anything, even 'standard velocity' ammo. Even brand new guns benefit from a thorough cleaning to rid them of all the factory gunk they're shipped with.
A modern pistol will also get smoother with repeated firing-how much firing it takes depends on the individual weapon. The slide rails and loading ramp are basically getting polished every time a flung is fed and fired.
So, don't trash that cheap ammo just yet! That new Ruger might just develop a taste for it.
I wasn't trashing cheap ammo. I shoot the cheaper stuff (Federal 510 bulk) in a Ruger MK3 all the time with great results. Like I mentioned, I think the problem was the guide rod assembly.
I've come to the conclusion that the only way I'm going to get one of these is through GunBroker :(

That place feels worse than eBay, I keep getting outbid!
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