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Rubberset Restore

I set this little face lathering monster at 46 w/ a GN pure. I got rid of the old knot, hollowed out the middle, cut a wine cork, set the new knot at 46mm.
Very nicely done. A real looker now too.

Sanding off that mold mark and polishing really made this one.....shine.

Nice choice of knots too. I bet it is a good one to use.
Darn fine restore! I just picked up a brush from Ameet and working on a restore myself...will post pictures if and when :) it's 'presentable'.... :)
Looks awesome! I like how they clean up after knocking the mold lines off. This reminds me, I gotta get some knots in and finish up the 6 handles I have.
Thanks for the info! Mine does not have any damage so will pass on the steel wool and try out the polish to bring out more shine...you'r brush has inspired me to speed up my restore efforts!
I set this little face lathering monster at 46 w/ a GN pure. I got rid of the old knot, hollowed out the middle, cut a wine cork, set the new knot at 46mm.

Great job on the restoration of the rubber set. How did you get the old brush out? Drill and bore the knot hole out with a fosner bit? I'm having a new handle turned for a 28mm silvertip knot I got from the Golden Nib but I was curious how to get the old knot out of the old brush without damaging it. At any rate, great job on your rubberset; looks great! BTW, why did you cut a wine cork? to fill and level the bottom of the know hole?
Great job on the restoration of the rubber set. How did you get the old brush out? Drill and bore the knot hole out with a fosner bit? I'm having a new handle turned for a 28mm silvertip knot I got from the Golden Nib but I was curious how to get the old knot out of the old brush without damaging it. At any rate, great job on your rubberset; looks great! BTW, why did you cut a wine cork? to fill and level the bottom of the know hole?

Hi Bruce,

To get the old knot out.... I cut off the old bristles and drilled the plug out. Starting in the middle of plug. When the hole was big enough w/ a standard drill bit, the sides should cave in toward the middle as to not harm the rim of the brush.

I usually hollow out the handle to customize the depth of my knot. I use a cut down wine cork to set my depth and give the new knot something to adhere to.

I hope this helps!!
Thank you everyone, for all the nice comments! It really makes all the work that goes into these projects worth it!:001_smile
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