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Rubber Bowly Cup type thing!

I remember someone posting a pic on here a while ago of a small rubber/plastic cup which was designed to wipe the lather from your razor. I have searched this site and googled for ages but cannot find it. If anyone knows what these are called or where to buy one please put me out of my misery.
I know that i dont need one and that you can simply wipe the spent lather on a flannel or rinse in the sink , but when did that ever stop me spending cash on shaving gear.
I know exactly what you're talking about. Unfortunately the only place I know of that sells it is now closed down. It was marketed as a "Straight Razor Wiping Bowl." If you find one somewhere else let us know as I'd be interested in getting one too
Thats the one.
Looks awfully like some type of contraceptive device,and due to the fact that only a Dutch seller is stocking these may well be!
I might buy one as i cannot find any for sale in the UK.
Do you think the seller will throw in some nipple clamps as a freebie.
i looked at these. Dont really see the point though - i just drape a wet washcloth (the one ive used for prep) over the faucet and wipe on it
@Steve M: In the other topic where you saw this ring, there was this link posted. http://www.winkelplein.nu/barbershopsuply/default.asp?page=detail&Id=470253

It's the same shop where I bought mine, and he ships worldwide. It's a friendly fellow who does read these forums and you can always email him with questions. His site also contains several items that are otherwise hard to find in the US. The site is available in english, but not everything is translated (properly). You might have to search the site for "cleaner for razor".

@Emmett: Afstrijkring is a dutch word, it means "wipe off ring/bowl".

@samballat: Yes, it works best for a 1/4 to wedge razor, but hollows work fine too. Actually, the barber I mentioned uses a hollow and this afstrijkring

@mdunn: Yes a moist towel works better, but this ring doesn't have to be washed. I always use mine unless I've used Kyle's prep and already used a moist towel. I don't like to rinse to blade in a sink filled with water as I already messed up one edge while doing this.


I have the wiping bowl I bought from the now defunct Barberiana Italiana/Trypon website. It cost $5. I am not guessing they were great sellers , you might email Giovanni and ask him if he could sell you one. He probably still has stock. Though he is terribly busy can't guanrantee a he can sell you one.

It works fine. I use only full hollow blades and it seems to work though I can see that wedges would work even better.

I use mine with every shave it seems easier and less messy to use than a towel. They are made of rubber so that the underside provides suction to fit firmly on the counter.

The wiping bowl is not only useful but a bit of barberiana also. They were used by American and Italian barbers in the past and were sold as a improvement over the shaving paper used by barbers .

By all means get one if you canbut only cheaply.:001_smile
So, now that we have located two Europian sellers for a 'rubber bowly cup thingy', which according to Steve seems to look like an contraceptive device which may well be sold with a nipple clamps as a freebie, my search for a heavy metal foot to put under this afstrijkringgetje continues.

For those here that have the book 'Gladde Jongens': on page 124 is a nice picture of what I'm looking for.
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