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Roughing it

All of us have different ideas of what it is. For my GF, as far as she will go is a 5 man tent with a queen air mattress, recliner lawn chair, 20C weather and no rain.

For myself it is a week deep in northern Ontario Canada forest with only what I can carry on my back. If I don't catch fish or snag a rabbit or some squirrels I go hungry. I will pack a couple bags of quinoa and protein bars just in case though. I LOVE the challenge of survival, the feeling of coming out covered in blisters, blood, bites and bruises, and feeling like I could sleep for a week.

Bring on the zombie apocalypse!

How far do you go, or rather, how far are you willing to go and still enjoy it?
I've always wanted to rough it but never been keen to do it on my own as I know little about the wilderness.
Your name wouldn't be McCandles would it?:wink2:

I used to rough it sleeping in the bottom of the boat to get good duck hunting spots. I have driven hours to hike more hours to eat bricks of ramen raw and sleep in the mud and catch full grown brook trout that were only four inches long. Now I SMOOTH it. Four wheel camper with a fridge, forced air heating, stove, sound system, memory foam mattress with heated pad, and sat link so I can catch net fix on the laptop. It's easier to go stand in the sleet and watch your fingers freeze when you know how you are going to thaw them out.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I grew up with no hot water and the only water in the house was the kitchen faucet. We bathed out the back door using a water hose. If it was cold we used a #2 wash tub inside and heated a little water on the stove. We didn't have a television or phone. We had an outhouse. We didn't have heat or air conditioning in our house.
That was the best and easiest time of my life.

i guess we roughed it everyday and just didn't know it.
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My family and I enjoy camping and have generally gone tent camping. Last year we bought a popup camper so we can enjoy extended stays at Texas State Parks. Whatever you consider roughing it, nothing beats getting out of the stinkin city for a week, or even a weekend. These days I need a real vacation where I come back refreshed.

A few years back I did a lot of weekend fishing trips on various rivers and beaches... Sleeping in a chair, or the bottom of the boat. We always had a small BBQ pit and some food, though.
When my whole family goes I usually make it pretty comfortable, but I do do some weekend camping/hiking trips with my 11yr old son. All we bring is what we can carry in our packs, I do pack some playing cards so at night we can play and do the hole father son talking time. Ive been doing this with him since he was 8, tried with my oldest daughter she hated it and I will try with my 3yr old daughter when shes old enough.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Roughing it for me has been a cabin in the woods with electricity and water. My friend has a family cabin in Michigan and it is awesome! It's the only camping I do. But not because I can't "rough it", I just don't go camping anywhere else.

In years past when we arrived his uncle would take us out first thing to cut down a tree for the wood burning stove in the cabin. We don't shower while we are there, we don't even use the cabin really cept to keep our food and sleep when there is room. Most years there has been to many people so a few of us, myself included, would tent it outside. Tent - sleeping bag - ground. I've even slept in my car a couple times.

My wife and I differ greatly on the subject, and we were just discussing this last Saturday night.

I've never gone car-camping. I've always had just what fit in my 7000 cubic inch / 110 liter Gregory. My wife has never schlepped a backpack.

We agreed to meet somewhere in the middle. New three-man tent instead of my old light-weight Marmot, small pack for her, and some luxury items that I'll have to find a way to fit in my Gregory.
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I was in the scouts when I was younger and have no problem "roughing it." This included anything from wilderness survival weekends in the rain where we were only given three matches, a sleeping bag, some alum foil, and hamburger. We had to build a shelter and get a fire going, then cook our meals. Also went to Philmont in NM and did 50-60 miles in eleven days through the Rockies with nothing but what was on our backs. Now the wife thinks camping includes an air bed, so that's what I do. Happy wife, happy life! (what I wouldn't give to do some real camping though!)
For myself it is a week deep in northern Ontario Canada forest with only what I can carry on my back. If I don't catch fish or snag a rabbit or some squirrels I go hungry. I will pack a couple bags of quinoa and protein bars just in case though. I LOVE the challenge of survival, the feeling of coming out covered in blisters, blood, bites and bruises, and feeling like I could sleep for a week.

Ditto for me, but Exchange Northern Ontario for the Rockies or Northern BC.
I grew up "roughing it."

Me and a buddy or two were all about seeing just how minimalist we could be.

We lived in the foothills of the Ozarks and had miles of big woods to camp and hunt in.

Any more, with a neck and back that have been broken and various other dings and injuries, I prefer sleeping in a bed.
I enjoy going overnight backpacking every so often with my dog, brother and some friends. I don't have the gear to go more than one night but I am hoping to upgrade someday. As I get older and have kids it sure is nice taking out my tiny vintage pull behind camper with them and hitting a nice campground with a pool.
Sorry, but I can't really rough it. The best I can do is some car camping. I really need to sleep with my CPAP machine due to sleep apnea, and lugging the battery and an inverter around just isn't backpack friendly. I don't have problems with a sleeping bag and pad inside a tent, as long as it isn't much more than a mile from the car.
I just finished thru-hiking the 2185.9-mile Appalachian Trail a couple months ago. It took me a bit over 6 months and through all kinds of weather.

Do I win? :biggrin1:
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