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Rough spots gone after face dries

So I shoot for bbs when I shave. Sometimes I get it, others notsomuch. When doing touch up passes on my jawline mostly I always feel rough patches. If I finally do get it smooth it's irritated and painful. I've noticed that if I just let it dry, in about 10 minutes, it's as smooth as the rest of my face. It's not always the case, but more times than not, it is.
Why is this area rough when wet but smooth when dry?
1st, Is that Schultz you've got for your profile pic? Nice!

2nd, I get this sort of thing sometimes too. Little lumps that aren't ingrown hairs and disapear after my AS has had a chance to calm my face. I can't say I know exactly what causes it, but my guess would have to be that you have irritated a pore or follicle near the surface of your skin. This could be caused by product being forced into the hole during lathering or shaveing or it could be due to some superficial damage done by the razor. It probably goes away wen dry either because it was just able to heal that fast or because the skin drying out and subsequently tightening hides the wound.

My advice, while perhaps vague enough not to be helpful, is to find a way to more gentle to your face. ie softer brush, less pressure while shaving, find a blade and razor combo that hits that sweet spot of efficient and forgiving, find a more soothing soap/cream, or even wait longer between shaves.
I think the whiskers (the hairs) shrink when they dry. I don't know. That's my guess. And I think that's why alcohol aftershave makes your face feel smother, because it causes the whiskers to dry quicker. Just a possibly (un)educated guess.
The same thing happens to me on my jawline and neck. It feels like there is still stubble there, but I know that I'd better stop. I get the same effect about the sound of stubble being cut--I can still hear it, but I know not to push it too far. After all, a DFS is better than burn any day.

An hour later, I can't feel any stubble.
The same thing happens to me on my jawline and neck. It feels like there is still stubble there, but I know that I'd better stop. I get the same effect about the sound of stubble being cut--I can still hear it, but I know not to push it too far. After all, a DFS is better than burn any day.

An hour later, I can't feel any stubble.

That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
It must be nice. If I feel any rough patches immediately after the shave, they're still there when the face dries out.
I'd say you guys are on the right track. When your skin dries, and the whisker (what's left after you shave) is dries as well, the whisker shrinks a bit. Introducing moisture to the whiskers causes them to absorb the moisture and expand..... so it does the opposite and contracts when it dries.

The alcohol in the aftershave is the other cause of the "smoothness" afterward. The alcohol acts as an astringent and tightens the pores, removes moisture and oil from the surface of the skin and the remaining whisker very rapidly. This gives an overall feeling of smoothness later. It is a temporary effect, and the pores eventually open up and your skin produces oil again to compensate for the dryness that the alcohol based aftershave has caused.

Using an alcohol based aftershave IMO is primarily for antiseptic purposes. It kills the germs and helps prevent infection. Using a splash with a great scent and the fact that it gives you a nice burn and a smooth feeling are just added bonuses.

I need to pay attention to this. I get the vast majority of my irritation and weepers trying to get those patches I can feel along my jawline, right under my chin and below my mouth corners. After my 3 passes and cleanup I can always feel some slight whisker residue there and I try buffing, additional XTG and ATG passes trying to get it smooth. I end up with tiny little weepers there, like there are tiny little bumps that I've cut the tops off of. Not every time, but often.

Now, all of these weepers are gone by the time I've rinsed my face and have finished my shower. Any irritation is rarely present 15-20 min after I apply my Weleda ASB, but it is discouraging to continue to see blood on my face when I know my technique is getting better.

I'm going to try leaving these patches next time and see how this works. If it doesn't and I end up spending the day at work with rough patches of whiskers, I'm coming to see a couple of you.
Not sure if related but after I have shaved the cheek feels smooth, but when I store my shaving gear in another room & then come back into the bathroom & give another quick check for smoothness it feels rough, no longer smooth. I realized what was happening was a temperature change which had set up goose bumps on my face (not visible like on your arm, but still there) which was forcing the stubble up I guess.
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