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Rotbart extra dunn-any fans?

Put them into the rotation yesterday.I do not see many comments posted on them as they are a little obscure.German name but they are Russian made.
Jury is still out.What's your take?
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Rotbart Extra Dünn are one of my favourite blades. They were produced in Berlin until the 90s. Then the factory was closed and the production was deployed to Russia. As I read in some german shaving forum P&G ceased production of these blades. A great pity! A few years back you could find the blades in some supermarkets for 2,99€. Now you can buy them in some online stores for 7-8 €. That´s rip-off!:a32: Unfortunately I have only one package in stock. But for that price I won't buy them! Withal they are sharp and durable. In my Futur I had 6-10 excellent shaves with it.
I had a pack of these thrown in with an order of mine a while back and was pleasantly surprised with how good they were.
Just tried one this week (picked up 2 on the Great Blade Exchange), I got 4 very good shaves. Hard to find and pricey in the U.S., so I probably won't buy any more. But if I were in Europe, I'd try to find some.
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