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Rotation? combs?

New here but been lurking for a while. I've been collecting my items and looking forward to my first shave.

With that said, It seems like everyone has multiple razors and use them in rotation. Now is this to justify collecting them because you use them or is there a benefit to using a variety of razors?

Another question is what the deal with the combed razors? Plus and minuses compared to a non-combed head.

I don't know if there is a real benefit to using several different razors, I do it just because I like the variety. I don't consider myself a collector, I only own razors that I actually use on a regular basis. I usually switch razors when I change blades.
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There is no need for more than one but it sure is fun and there are some models which have different sensations or techniques needed so there is challenge involved.

To be honest I don't know what the historical relevance of open combs is - I always presumed it was related to shaving adjacent to beards, shaping mustaches, etc, but for my own purposes, I find they are great with a few days' growth and they keep clear of debris, making them more efficient than closed bars for me. They are quite a different sensation. With all the new models out there available give one a try.
I'm not sure there is a real benefit. I think some people do it because they do enjoy the variety and get good shaves from different types of razors. Some use open comb razors when they have several days growth and use guard bar razors the rest of the time. Some do the opposite. I think some do it, as you said, to justify the collection of razors they have, either to themselves or their wife/family. I think you will find as many reasons as there are people with multiple razors.

As for the deal with open comb razors, they are just a different means to get to the same end. Most people automatically assume that open comb razors are more aggressive and that is simply not the case. There is a school of thought that says the open comb design allows more soap to make it to the point where the razor cuts the hair, thus an advantage for comfort of shave. I put some credence in this theory as an open comb user, but others will disagree.

What is truly important is which type shaves you the best. Perhaps it's a safety bar razor, perhaps it's an open comb. Maybe both is the answer and you end up rotating both types. For me, I haven't found a safety bar razor yet that shaves me as well as an open comb, but I'm not done looking either. Half the fun is finding what works best for you. I had a razor that I was getting perfectly good shaves with....then the head broke and I ended up here. So, I blame all of the monkeys in this cage for me now owning a dozen razors with more in the mail.

Best of luck to you.
Thanks for the info, I haven't even wet shaved yet and I can't stop looking at razors. I was hoping that I could tell my wife that I need at least 3 razors to rotate, now I know that need is a relative term.
If I wanted an open comb what do I look for? I keep seeing the Gillette 'new' talked about a lot.
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I think there is a benefit and here is why. Having the opportunity to use several different razors for a good period of time will give you the taste of what is available and what really suits you. Your ultimate goal may be to have only 1 or a few razors and if you buy them wisely, you can do this and not lose money when you sell off what you don't keep.

I have tried several razors and sold off many of them. Some of those sold are razors that would be on the all time favorite list of the "average shaver", but don't really suit me. I have 10 razors that all give BBS shaves and I really like, but if a law came down and I could only keep 1, it would be an easy choice. If I needed the money, I would sell off all but my favorite, but I am glad I don't have to as I like the variety.


Rest in Peace
As has been said an open comb is great when you have a few days of growth. I treasure my Gillette NEWs but I like my Weber polished head bulldog equally well; I like the shaves I get from both. They are 3 piece razors, (solid metal; gold plated brass or plain stainless steel) which I prefer because they're easy to thoroughly clean, durable and I like their looks.
Several razors might improve technique, as each is slightly different. I have four razors (iKon OC, iKon Shavecraft, Gillette New LC, and Gillette New SC). But I use the iKon OC 90% of the time.

I used closed comb for years, but get a better shave with the OC. I think the combs can also help a noob. If you see furrows in your lather, your angle isn't right.
For me my Merkur 1904 classic OC works the best for me at the moment. The comb actually helps me to maintain the proper angle so i do not create furrows in my lather. This helps me use it correctly no matter what shape I am in when I am shaving. However, when I go 4-5 days without shaving, I find that my Red Tip with a Gillette Super Thin blade mows down the hairs better. My beard is weird. The OC only works for me if I have 72 hours of growth or less. I also have a gillette flare tip that I will use if I have already shaved in the morning and I want to go on a night out with my GF or some general evening outing that I want to look nice for. Those are my three razors and how I use them. I am still trying out different razors though. In January I will buy several more razors such as a Sheraton, New Type Open Comb, and maybe a webber. I will not buy any pot metal razors.

The earlier razors were mostly Open Comb to deal with multiple days of hair growth. It was once common to go an entire week or longer without shaving. So, the geometry was pretty aggressive.

As time marched on, it became more common to shave more often, so the razors tended to become less aggressive as well as switching to a straight bar once every day shaving became more common.

I have my Grandfather's Gillette Old Type OC, and I cannot use it every day due to how aggressive it is. I can *just* use it if I skip a day. But, if I skip several, then it works better than anything else.

When I started shaving in 1976 at age 15, I used a Gillette Tech my dad gave me. Until I was about 30, I could not use Grandpa's at all. That was also the point when I started using a Super Speed Red Tip from an Uncle. It is a straight bar, but more aggressive than the Tech. At that time, it was the best choice as the Tech simply was no longer cutting it.

See, as I aged, my whiskers became tougher, so greater aggressiveness from the razor was useful.

In my 40s, I wound up using a Gillette New Long Comb. At first glance, it appears to be just like the Old Type, open comb and all. However, it is milder than the Old Type, but more aggressive than the Red Tip. So, it worked better as an every day razor.

In the past year, I have discovered the Slant designs. They cause the blade to slice through the hair more so than the unslanted designs do. That really changes the game when dealing with tough old whiskers.

In the past month, I have been using a different version, a Slant with double the twist to the blade, and it works better than anything else for me. It is also an open comb, so it works well with longer growth, should I skip a day or two.

So, in my case, acquiring multiple razors was partly chance, and partly looking for something better matching my ever changing whiskers. I think everyone has to try several razors out to find the one that fits them the best. If one finds several that work well, then a rotation is in order.

I just changed up this morning. I had skipped yesterday, so out came Grandpa's Old Type to play. Oh, I could have used the Double Slant, but just felt like using my oldest razor.

Tomorrow, I am planning on using my New Long Comb. Later in the week I will go back to the Double Slant.

For me my Merkur 1904 classic OC works the best for me at the moment. The comb actually helps me to maintain the proper angle so i do not create furrows in my lather. This helps me use it correctly no matter what shape I am in when I am shaving. However, when I go 4-5 days without shaving, I find that my Red Tip with a Gillette Super Thin blade mows down the hairs better. My beard is weird. The OC only works for me if I have 72 hours of growth or less. I also have a gillette flare tip that I will use if I have already shaved in the morning and I want to go on a night out with my GF or some general evening outing that I want to look nice for. Those are my three razors and how I use them. I am still trying out different razors though. In January I will buy several more razors such as a Sheraton, New Type Open Comb, and maybe a webber. I will not buy any pot metal razors.


See, here we have someone who finds that with his whiskers, a different solution than mine works best. A completely opposite solution! And, that is the name of this game we call shaving!

Ender78 mentioned this as well, can you explain in more detail?


With a straight safety bar, the lather is scraped off by either the blade or the bar.

With an Comb, if the blade lifts up, the comb teeth ride on the skin leaving furrows of lather behind.

That would be a great clue as to the incorrect angle. :biggrin1:

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Let's see. Once you go open comb you won't go back. Also, I have 3 sons, 3 grandson so far that I will pass down my razors too. Oh. I like the hunt for a nice razor..
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