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Rose of Bulgaria

I typically like manly scents, and I'm an almost exclusively a soap/splash guy. I do like a change once and a while.

I loved a sample of ToBs Rose I had. I'm thinking about ordering Rose of Bulgaria cream and AS. Anyone use these items have comments?
I too am a fan of rose scents. I tried TOBS, GDT, and CRS. Then I bought Rose of Bulg. from Amazon. You get what you pay for. Scent was just OK. Lather was sub par. Would not recommend.
Well, if you have enough 'manly confidence', you can enjoy just trying out various other rose soaps and creams!!
There are a bunch of quality ones out there, you might have to search a bit to find, but you'll be rewarded for efforts.
I've never tried the Rose of Bulgaria, but I have used the ones pictured here, and all have been excellent in terms of lather and scent.
And I look forward to getting around to yet a couple more in the bin.

$rose collage.jpg


I got moves like Jagger
I had a nice sized sample of Rose Of Bulgaria from edgerunner last year. Have to say that if I had to choose a rose cream, this would be it. Scent was fantastic; subtle and not overpowering, and the lather easily provided the slickness and protection I need for my straight shaves.

Pick up the cream and AS (and the lavender "Herbs of Bulgaria" as well!) and if you don't like them, I'll take them off your hands. That's as much of a "guaranteed; try for free" thumbs-up as I can give you.
I have Rose of Bulgaria, and in fact used it today on a whim since I had not used it in a while. I think it has a great rose scent. Not perfumery, but more of a pure rose scent. The cream itself is really good. Nothing great, but not bad at all. Sort of a middle of the pack cream. It gives a lot of lather and has an amazing scent! I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good rose cream.
Just ordered Rose and Herbs of Bulgaria a few days ago, Looking forward to trying them out after reading some good reviews about them on B&B.
Just ordered Rose and Herbs of Bulgaria a few days ago, Looking forward to trying them out after reading some good reviews about them on B&B.
You will not be disappointed. I ordered the Herbs first and liked it so much, I then ordered the Rose. Both of them are very good creams and both have a very pure scent for each, (Rose and Lavender.) Not at all what I would describe as perfumery.
Please let us know what your thoughts are on both when you get them!
I have not used Rose of Bulgaria, but my after shave is alum followed by a witch hazel (non alcohol) and rose water mix. The smell is the rose water and although I don't particularly care for rose scent it doesn't bother me at all.
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