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Rooney Stubby and WSP Stubby - any comparisons?

I am very curious if anyone out there has used both a Rooney Heritage Stubby XL and Wet-Shaving Product's Stubby in High Mountain White -XD. I'd be very interested in learning how you describe and compare the two brushes.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
  • WSP Stubby HMW $169Rooney Heratige 2XL $229
    Knot diameter: 26mmKnot diameter: 28mm
    Brush Loft: 52mm Brush Loft: 48mm
    Handle height: 44mm Handle height: 45mm
    Overall brush height: 98mm Overall brush height: 93mm

I would be interested too as I have only tried the Rooney, it is a fantastic brush.
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The Rooney Stubby 2 and 2XL are superb brushes. I am curious about the WSP Stubby b/c I was let down by the WSP Monarch in 2-band Finest - soft but really floppy. I'd like to know what their version of a Stubby is like although I PROMISED myself..NO MORE!
I own the stubby 2 band prototype in tortoise handle with a 26/52mm knot. This is an excellent brush. I prefer it over the XL series due to the higher loft - gives a bit more flex. The knot is a hybrid bulb... The hair is very dense... And as soft as my gel 1XL was...
The production run out in March supposedly is a fan with a slightly shorter loft than the prototype I got (only 4 were made).
Some pics...
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