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Rooney or Simpson?

So right now I'm trying to decide between a Heritage Stubby 1XL and a 2 band Chubby 1 and could use some advice. I know fans on either side can be pretty fanatic, but still interested in what others would recommend. I'm also willing to consider other brushes in the same ballpark price range, but would really prefer a 2 band. Thoughts?


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Great choices in brushes. Here is my take

The Chubby 1 will be quite a bit denser, and not as much flow through. This is not to say it isnt a good brush, but it does tend to hold onto a bit more lather. The hair, while it does have soft tips has a great deal of backbone, and unless things have changed as of recent, they are more of a bulb shape.

The Stubby 1XL is another clear winner. There is a bit more flow through with this brush. The tips are very soft, and are almost gel like in that they massage the skin. While it does have good backbone, it is a tad softer than the Chubby. This brush has more of a fan loft as well.

Another recommendation, a Thater 2 band brush. You can choose via fan or bulb lofts. I think they tend to have the characteristics of the XL line.

As a disclaimer...I own all three.
The problem in answering this question is the production variations; I have 3 Chubbies and 2 XLs (larger sizes) and they all have noticeable differences. I have one XL that is denser than any Chubby I've ever seen but that's not the norm. You should really buy both and sell the one that you least favor. These are, for good reason, very sought after brushes so the friction from the transaction should be slight. I agree that a Thater should be on your list; either 2 or 3 band but stay with the bulb shape.
I know fans on either side can be pretty fanatic, but still interested in what others would recommend.
The usual brush recommendation questions apply as our preferences don't matter -- yours do. What have you used in the past? What did you like about them? What did you not like about them? How do you lather? What direction are you looking to head in? As with any subjective matter the better the info you give regarding your needs/wants/etc the better the feedback you'll get. Polling will only tell you what's popular. What you prefer may be entirely different.
All good points, Takeshi...ones I didn't really think about at 3 in the morning, lol. Anyways, I've opted to go for the rooney, and if that doesn't work out I'll try the simpson or thater.
I'd say go for the Rooney or a custom Rudy Vey with a large custom Shavemac knot. I can't personally recommend Simpson because 2 out of 3 Simpsons I've owned have been shedders. I'm not saying all Simpsons are shedders, they just seem to be high on the list of problem shedders.
I have the Rooney 3XL and the Thater 4125/3 in 2-band. Both are terrific brushes, but I tend to favor the Rooney. I just enjoy the entire experience a bit better. I also intend to get my hands on a Chubby in order to make sure that I have the best of the batch. I doubt that I'd keep all three.
I vote for the Rooney. I really like the flat fan knot on them for face lathering. I haven't tried a chubby 1 in 2 band but from the pictures it looks like it would be a pointy feeling bulb. I had a duke 3 in 2 band and it had a similar shaped knot that didn't do it for me, felt like it was smaller than it actually was.

The Rooney is going to be slightly less densely packed but will still have ample backbone.
Oh I'm sure I will eventually get the chubby, and a thater, as well...but buying all at the same time is a bit out of reach for a poor student. Though I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold out; I'm just a few hours out from ordering the Rooney and am already antsy over whether I made the right choice.
I've never owned one of the Chubbys (I'm not sure how I've managed that). In any event, if you face lather I highly recommend the Rooney.
I will say that if you have large hands on the 1XL handle will probably be too small for you. The 2XL handle is barely large enough for me. This is my only complaint about these brushes.
i currently own 11 brushes and have tried 28 others. Of those 39 brushes that I've tried, the 1XL is in my top 5. Only ones that are better are two shavemac d01's, the 2XL and a Rooney Finest.

you made the right choice.
I have a Rooney 1/1 in best that's been my go-to brush (and a 1/1 in silvertip, but I'm probably going to sell it), but also have a Berkeley in best (which I quite like), and a couple Vulfixes (pretty much just used for creams...super soft and luxurious feeling, but not great with harder soaps), but this will be my first 2-band. I'm certainly looking forward to the experience and will be sure to post my impressions both pre and post shave once it arrives.
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