OK. So Rooney is still making this model, correct?
How does the 1XL compare to the 2XL? I'm going for broke on a Rooney brush. I'm fairly new to DE shaving (about 2 months) and currently have only one brush - a WD 22mm Silvertip. I like this brush, but have nothing to compare it to. What I find intriguing about the Heritage 2XL is both the softness and great backbone. If anything, my WD lacks in backbone - yet I like its softness. I probably bowl lather more than face lather, soap more than cream, but it's a mix. I really don't want to collect a lot of brushes, so I'm trying to make a wise decision on this second brush. For razors I've been using a Progress, but recently picked up a NEW OC and a Fatboy. I'll probably stop now with my razor collection (though eyeing an Aristocrat OC) too.Probably my favorite brush. However, on Classicshaving.com the measurements of the Stubby 1XL look excellent to me. It is very likely an excellent brush. I have a Stubby 2 (not XL) which is also one of my favorite brushes. However, it does not appear to me like Classicshaving carries the 2XL.
Has anyone been disappointed in this brush?
Aren't these brush very similar if not exactly the same as M&F brushes?
I have been trying to experience this brush for the longest time...it seems nobody wants to part with theirs....very difficult to find...
I've really been debating whether or not to purchase the 1xl or wait until the 2xl comes back in stock. Emailed classic shaving, hopefully they'll get some more in stock.