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Summer is coming. Any fans other than me here?

Name your favorites.

Mine is Great Bear at Hershey Park. I have ridden a lot of coasters but I have more plain fun on this ride than any other. I actually find myself screaming "woooooooooo" as I'm riding it. I don't do this on any others.

Kingda Ka, at Great Adventure, and its Hershey Park little brother Storm Runner are both pretty awesome too.

Last summer I rode Farenheit, also at Hershey, my first ride on a coaster with an inverted drop...pretty sick!

I also LOVE Expedition Everest at Disney. Everything Disney does is special in a cool, different way and even though this coaster doesn't have near the fear factor of some of the bigger coasters it does so much with less that you have to love it.
I am a big fan of rickety, old-school all-wood ones.

Then you would love the Cyclone at Coney Island -- one of the all time classics.

I haven't done much coaster riding lately, but I enjoyed the Hulk at Universal Studios the last time I was down there. I also remember thinking that the Aerosmith Ride at MGM(?) was unbelievably spectacular for an indoor coaster (which supports what Brodirt said about Disney).


Then you would love the Cyclone at Coney Island -- one of the all time classics.

I haven't done much coaster riding lately, but I enjoyed the Hulk at Universal Studios the last time I was down there. I also remember thinking that the Aerosmith Ride at MGM(?) was unbelievably spectacular for an indoor coaster (which supports what Brodirt said about Disney).



The Cyclone! An all time classic that I have so many times I can't remember. I took my older daughter on it for the first time last year on a trip to the aquarium at Coney Island. My wife, who likes coasters, wont go on it again...she claims it gives her a concussion like head ache...sign of a good ride if you ask me!

Wood coasters are great too, just different. Heck the some of the oldest, slowest coasters out there are the scariest...the "wild mouse" style, where the car's wheels are inboard and parallel to the track allowing the car to make insanely sharp turns. Like this:
...the "wild mouse" style, where the car's wheels are inboard and parallel to the track allowing the car to make insanely sharp turns. Like this:

I remember riding one like that at .....

Palisades Amusement Park (swings all day and after dark)!

The Cyclone! An all time classic that I have so many times I can't remember. I took my older daughter on it for the first time last year on a trip to the aquarium at Coney Island. My wife, who likes coasters, wont go on it again...she claims it gives her a concussion like head ache...sign of a good ride if you ask me!

Wood coasters are great too, just different. Heck the some of the oldest, slowest coasters out there are the scariest...the "wild mouse" style, where the car's wheels are inboard and parallel to the track allowing the car to make insanely sharp turns. Like this:

That reminds me of one in Valley Fair in Minnesota called the "Mad Mouse."
At 6 Flags Over TX, the Titan can't be beat. That coaster is awesome! Ohh, the G's. The Batman suspended coaster is also pretty sweet. So is the Mr. Freeze, it's just way too short. The TX Giant is great, if you are pissed off at your spleen and kidneys.
I'm taking my 10,12 yr old cousins to Cedar Point next month. I'll let you know how it goes. :tongue:

My yearly trip to Cedar Point with my grandfather was a highlight of growing up. He'd ride all the coasters with me, and I only realized much later how much he hated it.
If you are a coaster fan, look no further than Cedar Point. Its the roller coaster mecca IMO. Luckily its right in my backyard now! A few of the more gutsy coasters are:

Melinnum Force - a mind bending 310 drop at 80*. Top speed of about 90mph. Yea its fun!
Top Thrill Dragster - a gigantic adrenaline rush. 0-120 in ~4 seconds. This coaster shoots you forward, then up 420 feet up a 90* track, then straight back down the other side. Although its over in 17 seconds, its by far the craziest coaster I've been on.
Mean Streak - If you like woodies, this is for you. One of the tallest and fastest wooden coasters out there.
Maverick - what a fun ride. Voted best new attraction in 2007
Mantis - not my favorite. Its one of those "straddle the seat" rides. Its not boring, it just hurts a bit.
Raptor - the only inverted coaster in the park. A fun ride. Fairly typical for an inverted coaster (not that any I've been on have really been boring). Lots of loops, turns and twists.
Wicked Twister - suprisingly a lot of fun. This ride is a single track with 2 upright spirals at each end. You are launched forward, up the first spiral, then backwards up the other spiral. Sit in the back so you can see the whole park when launched backward.
I have only been to Cedar Point once, when my wife and I were dating. I hadn't ever really been on any roller coasters before. This was when Power Tower was pretty new (and I refused to go on it :biggrin:) My favorite was the Raptor. Magnum was also cool, to me at least..
I LOVE coasters. The more extreme, the better. Unfortunately being in Washington it's a long trip for me to even get to a halfway decent one. My father's side of the family all live in Ohio so if I ever get another chance to visit I'll be in coaster heaven.

The best one I've been on so far was probably the Xcelerator at Knot's Berry Farm. 0-82 in about 2.2 seconds straight vertical, then straight back down. Quite a rush.
every year we go through this. they make me get on. i do have fun, the thought of getting stuck in one of these just makes me shat myself
I have two: The Giant Dipper at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk - built in 1929, it is a classic. The height of technology and 80 years old this year.

The modern favorite is Medusa at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.
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