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rocket clean up

the old rocket flairtip cleaned up well $flairtip rocket-1.JPGfrom this
after a hot water/baking soda bath and a clean with bathroom mouse$razor 2 129.jpg

then a polish with some peek$razor 2 130.jpgvery happy with the results, these old brit gillettes are bulletproof.
yep i was thinking a bit of brassing here and there, might turn out to be a not bad user grade, after a good clean up i was surprised its just about mint, not bad for a razor over 50 years old that been well used.
I always love to see before and after pictures of vintage razors. This is another great clean up. Enjoy this great TTO razor.
Very nice cleanup indeed! It can be tricky sometimes telling soap scum crud from plate loss. That rocket looks amazing. I need to find one of those!

Looks good, i did have to re-look at the picture of that one on ebay when they said it was english. With a quick glance i thought it was a black handle super speed.

The Rocket's do clean up nicely!
Beautiful. I love these stories. Just think how long that poor Rocket has been neglected and sitting around like that. You sure did refuel that baby for some more flights!

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