My Gene Cafe went south on me a while ago and I haven't been able to bring it back up to snuff. This is winging its way to me :
I whipped out my abacus and did some quick calculations. I took the sum of what Scotto has invested in roasters, venting, grinders, green beans, coffee makers, and accessories, and divided it by the number of cups of coffee he's made in the past few years, and it comes to roughly fourteen bucks a cup.
And worth every penny.
Roaster MacGuyvers ARE the big boys. Don't let the shiny toys fool you into believing otherwise.Is it here, is it here, is it here???
How about now?
Will that Hot Top EVER arrive?
Let us know how it works for you. I'm intrigued.
So far, every purpose-built roaster I've considered seemed to be...not I've stayed at the elegantly simple, MacGuyver end of things. But maybe, just maybe I need to step up to where the big boys play.