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Ripped off on eBay! (Rant)

Warning! This is a rant!

I bought a new keyless fob for my Honda Pilot on eBay 9 weeks ago. After 4 weeks of not receiving it, the seller said he sent out another one. To this date neither has arrived, and unfortunately you only have 45 days to open a dispute. The seller knew these days perfectly, because he told me the second fob would arrive AFTER the 45 days so I would wait till the time ran out, and he stopped all communication with me ON the 45 day mark! I have a feeling that he didn't send out a second one at all, and possibly not a first one, because he kept telling me "we can't track it outside of the US" and this was his excuse for "not knowing" anything about where it is. Well, now I am out of luck, as both eBay and Paypal say it is too late! I guess it was only $50, but that $50 could have been spent on a lot of nice creams!!! My rant is now over but I had to get it out there!!

We can now resume all shaving related conversation!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. If you paid this seller with a credit card through PayPal, you could dispute the charge with them.

EDIT: I guess Jim beat me to the idea.
I did pay with a credit card! Wouldn't paypal have a problem with that since they have already paid the vendor?
I did pay with a credit card! Wouldn't paypal have a problem with that since they have already paid the vendor?

doesn't matter what PayPal has a problem with if you dispute the charge on your card its between you and the credit card company.
I learned two things from this post.

1. Pay with a credit card through paypal even if you have a linked bank account because you can use the credit card's warranty and leverage. I wonder if the 1% cash back applies with paypal.

2. Always file the claim on day 44. You can always say it's been resolved afterward.

Sorry about your experience, but thanks for the lessons. I hope your credit card company can help you resolve this favorably.
Yes. Always pay with a credit card through Paypal. You can claim fraud through your credit card company and if they decide in your favor, then they will charge back Paypal. Unfortunately Paypal has the option of cancelling your Paypal account. They probably won't do so for $50. though.

Always file a dispute before 45 days for sure. I would have done so after the four weeks. The onus is then on the seller to prove that he actually shipped the item or the replacement item. If he can't provide proof, then Paypal will credit you back. You can always cancel the dispute if you receive the item.
The onus is then on the seller to prove that he actually shipped the item or the replacement item. If he can't provide proof, then Paypal will credit you back. You can always cancel the dispute if you receive the item.

And remember, the seller cannot leave you a negative feedback, no matter what. I remember those horrid days when buys had no power because the seller could always turn around and drop a negative.
Although your options with PayPal have expired, credit card companies allow disputes for 90 days or even more. As others have said, this is your best option. In future, it's probably best to file a dispute when you can, despite assurances from the vendor. In other words, CYA.
Hope this works out for you. The best advice has been given: file a formal claim with your cc company/bank. Reminds me of an incident I had with an eBay purchase which was resolved through my cc company after 60 days.
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