sucks, but it wouldnt take much sanding to get rid og that cheap looking paint
Too much work. lol.
What puzzles me is how someone (who's eBay account name indicates that they sell a lot of antiques) can mistake wood for metal. They probably thought it was brass because a magnet didn't stick . . .
I see the paint chipping on the bottom edge . . . sure looks like wood underneath it to me!!
The first clue, to me anyway, would be the dove-tail corners. I've never seen metal boxes with dove-tail corners.
You say that as if making box joints out of metal would be somehow easier.
Kidding aside, though, technically, I think that is a box joint, not dovetail.
Ok, well I did it, I purchased it. I hate to see such items like that in miserable condition and need to bring it back to as close to the original condition as I can. we'll see how that goes.
Well it arrived, let the restoration begin!
Ok, well I did it, I purchased it. I hate to see such items like that in miserable condition and need to bring it back to as close to the original condition as I can. we'll see how that goes.