So I decided I would give this cologne another shot - as I had tried Nick's bottle and it was simply ghastly. I just couldn't believe so many people would like this scent so much.... and Nick and I thought it was foul.
Well.... round two - ding ding ding

First - the good....
This cologne is MUCH different than the stuff Nick had, and I quite enjoy it. It has a very interesting and potent scent to it, quite complex and rich - almost toffee like. This cologne is also a superb deal, and offers tremendous value. Of all of the St. Charles products... this is the best deal.
The bad -
This is a very strong scent, and some found it overpowering and somewhat offensive. Also - the bottle is a little annoying... see dents below...
Bottom line.... I like it... a lot. I don't mind that it offends some, as I enjoy it enough that I frankly don't care. I VERY much enjoy this product and will buy it again in the future. While I do not think it is on par with Penhaligons or the like, I do think this is a superb product, and I would highly recommend it!
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