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Review of Hero Fountain Pen

I'm far from an expert on fountain pens so it'll be brief and it will only be my opinion. The Hero is a copy of the iconic Parker 51. I've never owned a Parker 51 so I can't make a comparision.
The Hero is a nicely balanced pen that feels pretty good in the hand. The nib is very stiff but it flows very well. It is a very fine nib but that's OK by me. I tried it against my Cross Titanium Fountain pen and the Hero can keep up with fast writing better than the Cross so I find it better to use in the real world at work. The only criticism I have of the pen is that it doesn't hold enough ink. I seem to be filling it far too often and unless you are very organised it can run out when you least want it too. They are cheap enough though so I guess you could carry a second one so you can swap them over if want to.
If you are thinking of getting a fountain pen for the first time then I highly recommend one of these. If you like it, then you can move up to something more expensive. If you don't, then your intial outlay was quite small.
I used the Hero pens in the eighties when it was compulsory to write at school and examinations with a fountain pen. I still have a few of them after all these years and they are still going strong !!
I've got a 200A which I'm liking a lot. I haven't written with it enough to run out yet, but it writes at least as well as my safari for similar coin. Thumbs up from me.
I have got a 616 and my only gripe is it is hard to tell when the nib is rotated correctly so that it will write. Other then that good value for the coin. Would like to try some other of their offerings. BTW I use a Waterman Expert II and Lamy Safari on a regular basis.
I bought a dozen off the 'Bay and have been very happy with them.

One eventually started a leak from the bladder, but otherwise a great deal for the price!

Hey John, which model of the Hero was it? I love Hero FPs and have two in my current rotation. Like you, I did a review of the Hero 331 and also the Hero Blue Black ink. Despite my initial worries, the ink isn't too shabby! (shameless self promotion coming up...) Both reviews can be found here.
John, i'm in the process of looking for my first fountain pen purchase. Whereabouts can you purchase the hero in Melbourne or does it need to be made online?

John, i'm in the process of looking for my first fountain pen purchase. Whereabouts can you purchase the hero in Melbourne or does it need to be made online?


Either from the Melbourne Chinese Market (sorry, they didn't say where exactly in the Fountain Pen Network Forums) or from here. 5 Aussie dollar flat postage (no affiliation, blah blah blah)
Either from the Melbourne Chinese Market (sorry, they didn't say where exactly in the Fountain Pen Network Forums) or from here. 5 Aussie dollar flat postage (no affiliation, blah blah blah)

Thanks Mate... For 5 bux postage I may as well just order it online. Does the pen itself come prefilled with ink or do I need to purchase a bottle separately? What bottled ink brand will suit??
Thanks Mate... For 5 bux postage I may as well just order it online. Does the pen itself come prefilled with ink or do I need to purchase a bottle separately? What bottled ink brand will suit??

I doubt it comes prefilled. The converter in Hero pens usually are Aerometric (squeeze) converters. I've tried pelikan 4001s, Sheaffer Skrips, Hero's own Inks and a 30 year old vintage Parker Quink Solv-x inks. All work very well in this pen. Just remember to flush the pen when you first get it. In the case of my Hero #331, there was some sort of residue which prevented ink flow. Flushed it out and it writes like a champ now.
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