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Retro-Shave Test, Input Welcomed

Hello, few probably remember me here, I have had some health challenges and been away a while. Now I am back on my feet and looking for a good shave.

I am a blade maintenance man from way back, we didn't call it blade maintenance back then, we were just poor and had to make them last. For the last twenty years I have had a mustache and some beard, but a few months ago I was enjoying a shave and before I knew it I was naked faced! I like it. Trouble is that I used to shave every day (not my beard or mustache) and a blade would last me a month. I dried the blade, turned the blade, oiled the blade and wiped the blade. Now I can hardly get three weeks from a blade, but more than that, I think I hit a bad batch, maybe they were spoiled by humidity or something. They just don't seem sharp lately.

So as I am complaining about, well about everything, and going through the ammo box I use as a foot locker, what do you think I find? A blade dispenser from back when my first son was in diapers. (Just call me grandpa now) Could it be? Yes! Two Schick Platinums, my old blade of choice from back when you could get your shave supplies from the grocery store. (Bread, those new disposable diapers, eggs, milk and Williams with some blades)

I got to thinking, I wonder if it is still as good as I remember. Then I got to thinking, I still have that old black beauty Gillette slim super adjustable somewhere that I used back in the day. I loaned it to my wife some time ago, she tried it on her legs, said something about the blade got dull and went back to the plastic sticks.

Here is the test. When I get a chance I will go through my wife's drawers and find that old black beauty. (When I reread that it didn't come out quit like I meant to say it, anyway) I will get out the old boar brush and granddad's shave mug. (I want this to be as authentic as possible) With a moment of silence and reverence I will put that old-new Schick Platinum in that black beauty and see if it still measures up. I will have my standard slim adjustable standing by for testing on the other side of my face. Each successive day I will swap sides.

Here is the criteria:
1. How sharp?
2. How smooth?
3. How long will it shave?
4. Will it be like I remembered it?

Here is how you can participate:
1. Does anyone know when Schick started and stopped making the Schick Platinum blade? (my son is in his thirties and I remember buying them and diapers in the same trip)
2. Do you have any ideas or suggestions on the test?
3. Do you have a "Way back When" test of your own you want to post?
4. Any way you want. This is Badger and Blade, we all have an opinion around here, that and less than a quarter will buy you a decent blade!

best to all and
enjoy a good shave,
I know this is a long follow up, but, it just wasn't a good shave anymore. Age somehow had knocked the edge off of it. Sad to say.


I'm a Lumberjack.
I know this is a long follow up, but, it just wasn't a good shave anymore. Age somehow had knocked the edge off of it. Sad to say.
Not familiar with that blade. Too bad it wasn’t sharp. But I’ve never heard of a de blade lasting 8 years 😂
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