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Restoring my razor

A few month ago, I dropped and badly damaged my Wapi. :sad: I wrote the full story here. I managed to clear the major damage out. I left it aside as I got busy with work. I was clearing my stuff during holidays and decided to take a shot before I part with my Straight razor artillery and using my double edge razors. However, I never managed to get a good edge on this razor. I am not sure whether it is salvageable but I thought to ask for help and see if any body is willing to put an edge on it. If anybody (preferably in Ontario, Canada) is willing to help me out please let me know.
If a razor doesn't pass the TNT (thumbnail test) it will never shave well. Does this razor pass it? If not, you need to keep at it on a coarse hone (~800 - 1200) until it does. Only then should you consider progressing through finer hones.
No, It does not pass the the TNT. I do not have 800 -1200 grit hone. I put a coarse sand paper on the my Norton 4000/8000 and tried it but without much sucess. I will try to get a coarser hone. Thanks.
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