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replacing swede's finding alternatives

Ok so after trying merkur/feather/personna/droco - I tried derby and thought this may be it but realized that while it is smooth - it does not get as closer as I would like to - but then - I tried Astra - and I think I was shaving with the swedish gillette .
Now mind you I had not shaved for two days and that may not be a level playing field but I got a very very very good feeling about the astra.....just wanted to share my experience... :)
was sent a pack of Astras when I ordered other products from a vendor & quite by accident believe I found my go to blade!!!! I didn't want to like them but after two shaves, I find they definately work best in my set up!!!
The most die-hard "Swede" fan over at SMF has maintained for some time that the only other alternative that he found tolerable was the Crystal, or Israeli Personna.

It's ironic that the Crystal has the same rating on the Squire scale as the "Swede," and for the same reasons cited by some "Swede" fans: a nice balance of qualities, just sharp enough, just smooth enough. The "Swede" apparently lasts longer, but not enough to offset a price 5 to 6 times as much as Crystals.

That die-hard "Swede" fan has since discovered the Super Iridium and apparently has stocked up, still mixing in at times one of his dwindling supply of "Swedes."

The best blade I have tried is the NOS Wilkinson UK Super Sword Edge, of which I have only one left from a container purchased in the early '70's. I only started DE shaving again last year after going to Trac II's and Atras in the '70's, but "Swedes strike me as much ado about not all that much.
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How are the Gillette Platinum blades in the cardboard box? I was in Italy and I bought 80 blades worth of these, they come in 5 on a blue card. Arent these the "new" Swedes?
The most die-hard "Swede" fan over at SMF has maintained for some time that the only other alternative that he found tolerable was the Crystal, or Israeli Personna.

It's ironic that the Crystal has the same rating on the Squire scale as the "Swede," and for the same reasons cited by some "Swede" fans: a nice balance of qualities, just sharp enough, just smooth enough. The "Swede" apparently lasts longer, but not enough to offset a price 5 to 6 times as much as Crystals.

That die-hard "Swede" fan has since discovered the Super Iridium and apparently has stocked up, still mixing in at times one of his dwindling supply of "Swedes."

The best blade I have tried is the NOS Wilkinson UK Super Sword Edge, of which I have only one left from a container purchased in the early '70's. I only started DE shaving again last year after going to Trac II's and Atras in the '70's, but "Swedes strike me as much ado about not all that much.

I'd personally rate the Wilk LB much higher than the Swede, Crystal or the Super I. In fact, I'd rate the majority of NOS blades made by Gillette, Personna, Wilkinson and Schick much higher than either the Swede or current production blades, including the Super Iridium. In my experience they are sharper and smoother, shave much better and are longer lasting. The downside: they are all no longer made. But if you ever get a chance to score some off the bay, you should jump at the chance.

But if I had to use a current production blade, it would either be the Crystal or Super I.

And Squires reviews, while written with authority, are simply the opinions of one person. He writes well, in a very understated way (which I respect immensely), and while I am in agreement with some of his ratings, others leave me scratching my head. But then, I'm sure many of you question my sanity when I recommend the Schick Krona.
Everyone feels DE blades differently.
To me NOS blades are great, but they are history. I really liked the Polish Gillettes (Swedes) but since they are extinct, I have to look at current production blades.
That being said, Super Iridiums, which John at westcoastshaving sells now, are the best overall, I think. The Shark blades from Lords in Egypt are real close and a totally satisfactory substitute for the SI's.
Then comes everything else. The Astra Keramics are not too bad and the Israeli Crystal/Redpacks are always a great blade for what they cost.
To my face, the Gillette Yellows and the cardboard box Gillette Platinums are a little rougher, although they do have many fans.
When Gillettes killed off the Lodz, Poland Platinums (Swedes) I took up learning to use a straight.
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