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Replacement Rooney

I received my Rooney 1/1 replacement from Vintage Blades... last one was a shedder. Happy to report this one has lost exactly 3 hairs that all came out during the initial shampoo and comb out.



After spending about 2 weeks with a VDH Boar, coming back to the Rooney just makes me appreciate how luxurious a brush it is. But, I am glad I spent the time with the boar brush. It is actually quite effective and has opened my mind up to getting a Semogue or Omega boar in the future. I will pick up the VDH once in a while just to keep breaking it in.

Also, made my first big blade purchase. 100 Bluebirds. I got a year's worth (for me) for the price of 4 fusion cartridges.:thumbup:

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